Wednesday, April 18, 2012

level 49 WSG warrior

wanting to do some WSG so i can spend my marks and open up a bank slot

I'm not that great at fighting and finishing people off so I think what i need to do is concentrate on improving my own mobility and impairing theirs.

here's what I'm thinking about:


1) is that one point in anticipation going to tweak my chance to not be hit, or should i put it elsewhere?

2) in skills like Unbridled Wrath it says "effect occurs more often than <lower rank>" they can't give me a percentage? anyone know what this really means?

3) will Shadow resist give me a chance to resist fear spells?

I'm sure I had more questions but my printer pissed me off my not working and i have to go eat~|||IMO... Drop the 50% reduced movement speed and 1 point in Unbridled Wrath for Mortal Strike. You apparently have no clue how powerful Mortal Strike is. -50% healing? Plus you say you can't take down targets fast enough at the end, this is your starter, and your finisher essentially. 50% reduced healing takes a heal from 1000 heal per 3 seconds to 500 per 3 seconds, plenty to hit them down with.|||changed my build a little bit, here's the current results

if anybody has any suggestions. keep in mind i'm not a twink, this is my first char and i'm just trying to do as well as i can. (i know i need plate leggings)|||i don't know if i can do this. I didn't even have a chance to use mortal strike, they kill me so fast.

is there anything I can do when I'm sapped?

what skills should i have on my skill bar?|||Ohh, you're not at all twinked or anything? Well then, IMO, just go level some other char up, and get some gold so you can at least twink yourself a little bit.|||yeah i can see now that you're right, but i want to spend the marks i have, and get some new ones, there's a ring i'm going for. i just don't want to sit there and be a target i want to do something.

it'll depend how much patience i have i guess, i now need 11 more lost matches or some wins in there would really speed things up but i don't think Alliance ever wins WSG on my server|||Err, if you're going to stay in a specific battleground, why is it that you're not going to be geared at all? Sure, you have good stats and stuff, but people normally have around double your stats because they're twinked, which makes a huge dif.

Again, I suggest leveling another char.|||It took me 2 months to get where I am, you're suggesting i put this char on hold for 2, 3, 5 months so i can twink him, when i can have what i want in about 6 hours /played.

The suggestion for mortal strike was helpful, thank you.|||How are you going to go from, let's say, 500 AP to 800 AP, 2K HP, to 4K HP, 20% crit to 30% crit, etc.|||i'm sorry Mazulsage i'm just trying to get a ring. I had some marks already and i decided to put them to use so I could clear a bank slot and upgrade my equipment a bit. I've been in a couple of matches where we were close to winning. Not everyone is a twink. You're suggesting that new people shouldn't play battlegrounds at all.

I've already spent the money to respec and try to buy the best gear I could afford. I have to finish now or it was a waste.

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