Saturday, April 21, 2012

Looking to Reroll, need advice on Class/Race

Okay, so here's the deal. I have a 70 rogue that I'm starting to get bored of. I just go on him to pvp and arena. I want to start making a new class to play in my free time. But, I don't know what to make. So I was hoping for some advice on which class to make.

I want a strong pvp class that's a beast in 1v1. <-- That's my main focus for this character. I'm making the class full pvp, with no pve at all. I plan on no Kara and no heroics(Unless ABSOLUTELY necessary)

If you wouldn't mind, please list the character you think would be perfect for me to reroll with supporting facts to why. Maybe a few Good Vs, Bad Vs or other information. I will have gold and everything for this character since my 70 is on this server. Once again, I'm looking for a FULL PVP class. Also, a spec would be good for the class. I don't mind if it's healing or dps, I just want to do good 1v1.

I will be getting off for the night and hope to see some helpful responses tomorrow when I get home.

Thanks in advanced.


EDIT : And also a good race for the class* Thanks.

(I posted this on the wow forums, but wanted to get some more opinions.)|||35 Views and nothing? Anyone?|||I am by no stretch of the imagination a pvp master. But as far as 1v1 goes healing spec classes seem to be the most annoying for me. Primarily Disc priest and resto shammy, although as a ret pally I tend to be very weak against dispells. Beyond the 1v1 aspect nothing dictates a BG like heals. In my expierences with BGs although not at 70, resto druids seem to me to be best at keeping up multiple targets, but are poor in single target heals.

As far as pvp at 70 is concerned, I fear that you would have much more knowlegde then I would.

My suggestion, which admittently needs to be taken with a grain of salt, would be resto druid. They have IMO the best veristility, and can easily keep a few people in BG topped off. In 1v1 they can Powershift out of a lot of CC and have some CC of their own. As a resto druid your mana pool is large enough that you should be able to heal through many classes mana pools and nuke them down while they are OOM.|||You already have a strong pvp class with your rogue. Gear him up.

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