Saturday, April 21, 2012

Twink Weapon for Mongoose Nerfed???

So after aquiring all the mats for my rogue twink and trying to get the mongoose enchant put on the Windstom Hammer, I discovered it was nerfed to item level 34 recently. Can anyone recomend other lvl 35 weapons for my 29 twink rogue? l|||Only option I've found is the

Skullbreaker - which of course it's Horde Only. Interesting about certain items and weapons that are in the game (their item level and which side can get them). IMO each side should be able to get equal gear / weapons. Blizzard knows what players are doing with these items. Like the quest line "Final Passage" where you get to choose from the Windstorm OR The Dancing Flame (wand - the item level is 40! it the highest DPS wand in the game that a 29 could use) and of course they're both Horde . . . which you know about but it's still BS lol

Still running SM trying to get the Torturing Poker to drop for me (twice) and after 35+ runs it still has not dropped.

Here's my current little twink (I could have some better stuff and enchants - but this was cheaper for the moment, I'll upgrade eventually - he still cost 500+)

I read the Looming Gavel was TBC enchantable . . . but I see it as a level 31 item in my searches.

Maybe it got changed when they nerfed Windstorm in 2.3?

Some Other that aren't rogue related

Bleeding Crescent - Horde Only

Crescent of Forlorn Spirits - Alliance Only

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