Thursday, April 19, 2012

need a lvl 19 or 29 paladin twink build..

either is fine.. i'd rather know the best 29 pally twink build.. any suggestions are needed|||well, I can only tell you what our guild's prefered build is for 19.

at 19 you lack access to any of the real good talents. Since Blessing of Freedom is probably the most useful ability for paladins, we all spec in protection to get the improved BoF and BoP. Get the 3 points to improve your chance to hit, and then depending on if you plan on going 2h or 1h/shield will decide if you take Imp Devotion Aura or increased chance to block.

Gear is what makes to Pallies awesome. We don't really use our Pallies to heal, only in a pinch. We take advantage of their low agi to crit ratio and max them out with around 20% crit so they all hit very hard and can give BoF to flag runners. They are like Warriors with some utility.

We have tried several builds and found that this best suits our groups playstyle.

If you don't have a group to run with, you could go with a build that is more focuses on enhancing you, but, I still recommend a full Protection build. You will be an assest to your team and still be able to do a good amount of damage. Besides there is no talent in the 1st and 2nd tier of any Pally tree that I would consider essential. May as well go with what will benefit the team.|||He raises some valid points above, conversely I will suggest the Retribution least till seal of command. Anything that can help you put out more damage, but it really does depend on you play style...I would deffinetly recommend consecrate from the holy tree as well...invaluable for de stealthing those rogues...|||I was only speaking of the 10-19 bracket. 20-29........not really sure on that. Consectrate and Seal of will have to choose one, or rather, you should. I'd have to look at the bracket to see what works.

It's a little toguher here, since shamans seem to be much more common in the 29 bracket. This means your BoF will loose some of it's power since good shamans will be purging it.

i would definately resped to either retribution or holy once you hit the 20-29 bracket|||i think im fine as far as talents and all that.. just need armor.jnewlery, and weaqpon advise.|||Well, you can go a couple of ways with you pally. You could gear like a warrior and go heavy on the Agi, Sta, and Str. Or you can pick up some healing pieces and look for Int gear.

I have seen both do well. It's just depends on how you want to play.

If you plan on playing a little more defensively, then go with mail items, 1h/shield and spread your points around to buff all your stats, but, primary focus should be on Sta.

If you plan on being offensive, then go with Agi over, Sta, over Str. You will end up in a lot of leather gear, but, you will have a 20% crit rate or higher and you will hit hard.|||I have a dwarven 29 twink paladin. I'm not saying that it's the "best paladin twink build" but it suits the way I like to play him. I went mostly retribution focusing on attack power. Currently, with BoM buff and Seal of Crusader up, his attack power is nearly 600.

My main gear is STR based. I hunted out (at all the mail armor and weapons that give good STR bonuses for levels 20-29.

It's my recommendation if you are going to build a 29 twink that you start before level 27 to leave some room for gaining experience, as some of the items are BoPs so you will need to be present (at the very least) when the carrier drops it. And they don't always drop the first time.

At level 27, here was the build:

I put the remaining points into Imp Devotion Aura, as some I like to bring out a two-hander now and again for serious DPS. This is also helpful when Flag Carrying in WSG with Pursuit of Justice as the icing on the cake. But those 2 points are not essential to the build.

Benediction would be a nice alternate to the Imp Devotion Aura, as I use judgements a lot.

If I use Hammer of Justice, I always follow it up with judging Seal of Command (the damage done is a whole lot more when the target is stunned).

As Owlx put it: "Gear is what makes to Pallies awesome." You can customize them to do different things, just by switching out your gear. You can go STR and do serious DPS, you can go defense bonus and STA and be a great flag runner/protection paladin or get some heal bonuses and INT/SPR gear and heal.

Healing: I have healing gear that I use when I group up with premades and they want me to heal. I put up concentration aura and heal until my mana is gone, then run in and start hitting. Healing is fun and can turn the tide of the entire match. I've placed last or near to it in a lot of matches, because I'm protecting the flag carrier, healing others or defending a point in AB that the horde rarely visits.

Soap box:

However, I would like to say, in defense of all the Retribution Paladins, to the hunter that I was grouped with last night in AB: "I'm not wasting my mana trying to heal a ranged attacker that continues to run into melee. So stop yelling at me to heal you. I do 4 times the damage that you can do in melee, so if you want melee combat, I'll run in and you sit back and heal me." Most of the time we're getting beaten on just as much as than you are (if not more because horde finds us so annoying). It's hard to cast when the timer keeps reseting. So no, not all paladins heal. Just like not all hunters mark or use traps (or in this case - RANGED ATTACKS), not all mages use arcane, not all druids go feral, not all warlocks use shadow bolt, not all rogues use cheap shot and not all priest use shield. PLUS there's a lot more going on than just you in your little "oh help, I'm hurt" world. There's 29 (AB) or 19 (WSG) other players on that map and maybe you just aren't that paladins main concern. Healing is an ability that the paladin has. The player can opt to use his/her mana however they feel it will most benefit the team in the match. So if you get a heal, good. If not QQ. Work with the team, but ultimately depend on yourself. : )

Another 29 twink suggestion: Make you guy with at least one gathering profession. At least then you have something to do while you are waiting for BG's to queue up that won't risk you leveling. : )|||this is some good info... i may re-roll a warrior and twink it out|||Tobes - linking to that site is a big no no here. :)

OP- check your PM box for a link to the best twinking site!|||Thanks Stigg!!! Greatly appreciated the assistance.

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