Since every thread I've read, both classes just seem to complain that the other is overpowered in some sense, I've been wondering which is a better overall PvP class? I hear that warriors usually have the upper hand in a 1v1 fight against a rogue, but which class generally dominates most across the board? In other words, which classes are hardest to beat for both, and which are easiest?
Also, if specced correctly and with good gear, how well does a warrior stand up to a rogue as far as dps? I've seen videos where warriors get lots of big crits, but in the end can they stand up to the dps of a rogue if their gear isn't mindblowingly good?
Lastly, as kind of a blanket question (which yes I kno won't have a simple answer), which class is overall better in PvP (e.g. not just amazing in one aspect, does well at many)?
Thanks for any help and advice. If there's any other opinions anyone has about warriors or rogues in PvP I'll be glad to hear them.|||I kite both of them with ease. I would say rogue becausethey can stunlock and CoS|||Rogue. With the subtley tree, they have great survivability, great mobility and awesome dps. They are the best class 1v1, and the shadowstep spec is OP in pvp.
The only class rogues might struggle with really are warriors, and feral druids, but feral druids are rare because they are broken against most other classes.
Roll a rogue and start pwning :p|||warlocks...|||If you Arena, both do well. Healers despise Warriors, though a good stunlocking rogue is a nightmare also.
If you mostly want to BG and be on your own, Rogue will probably have the most fun.
If you have a portable healer, an Arms warrior will have lots of fun.|||my warrior did extremely well against other melee and druids. (My favorite is druid so I am familiar with the class, can anticipate and counter them very easily). I did alright against casters by putting on a shield and using spell reflect. I was pretty bad against hunters, despite having a 60+ hunter. I figure my hunter difiiculties (and other players skilled in the art of kiting) would've been mitigated a great deal had I played long enough to get the 4 piece PvP bonus which reduces the cool down on intercept.
my rogue didn't make it to 70 before my subscription expired. In duels I did well against most everyone excpet an extremely well played shaman whose name I forget.
Basically, if you are rerolling from another class, you will likely do very well against that class as you can anticipate them and warriors and rogues have counters/moves for just about any situation.
Warrior pros: scale extremely well with good gear. (if your gear is great you have an unfair advantage)
warrior cons: scale extremely well with good gear (if your gear is bad you have a disadvantage)
rogue pros: do extremely well when you get the jump and have good weapons.
rogue cons: when you have bad weapons you don't do so well.
As you're starting out in PvP expect to die alot in the beginning, as you gear up, expect to turn the tables big time.|||Warrior is Rock. Rogue is Scissors. Casters are Paper.|||Quote:
Warrior is Rock. Rogue is Scissors. Casters are Paper.
What's a lock then? Cause they ain't paper....
Seriously though between the 2 they are different styles of play with different pros and cons. The one you enjoy playing the most is the one you will do the best with. As a lock I have a personal preference for who I'd rather not fight and that's........ a paladin.
Rogues and Warriors both hate Curse of Exhaustion. One of my pets can see through the rogue's stealth before he gets a hit on me. As a rogue you're best bet is if you can keep me stunlocked long enough to kill me, because if I break you are dotted and kited around the arena like a sad puppy dog following me around.
Shellar makes the best point though it's a game of counters (I fully expect somebody to tell me how they'd counter my CoE kite strat).|||Locks are, admittedly, a special case, but they have their own hard counter in form of BM Hunters.|||untruths. rogue is the warlock counterclass, not a hunter. Further, go take a good look at how s3 locks are performing vs s3 warriors these days too. CoEx is a joke vs those S3 warrior weapons. Warlocks used to be OP in pvp, now we're sitting well below several classes. BTW I am a 70 lock, SL/SL. Felpup's Paranoia is a joke vs good stealthers (meaning it's weak) the only rogues who get picked up by it are newbs. Lastly, diminishing returns are EASILY capped by trinkets, racials (if you happen to be fighting a UD rogue, which are in abundance) and class abilities and talents available to both rogues and warriors.
Seriously, if I were to pick a class purely for pvp it sure as heck wouldn't be a lock.
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