Wednesday, April 18, 2012

help me with fighting

I usually end up against someone who does the trick where he runs through me and turns around and hits me then runs back through me. I'm left spinning in place like a retard because I can't turn fast enough to respond. What do I do? (level 39 warrior)

and can anyone give me any ideas how to set up my skill bar at level 39?

thanks|||Haha, remember when I had that issue the first time I dueled in WoW.

Just use your mouse to turn and move instead of the keyboard. You will eventually learn|||yes, use the mouse to turn, and the number keys on the top of your keyboard to cast attacks/spells. and Q and E to go sideways. i use Q and E more than anything else.

if you're a warrior, you'll find its a whole lot easier to fight vs. melee opponents. and to fight vs. melee opponents, you'll need your mouse.|||I think the Q and E is more personal seeing as I never use them. WASD only and rest is done by Mouse|||yea it is. but try it for a while. you'll not be able to live without it.|||thanks for the tip, i got it to work once so far hehe

there's not really space where my mouse is, have to figure somethign out there|||you sure are a warrior without his mouse is like a warrior without his sword. It's fun though once you get the mouse trick down to do it to other people:)

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