Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Low lvl BG Fears

Who can Fear/scare etc in lvl 19 and 29 BGs?

I know of priests and locks.

Are there trinkets that do it?

It seems like every second ally can do it.|||Warriors also get an AoE fear in the 20s bracket. It works like the priest fear, on a longer cooldown I think.|||Hunters get Scare Beast in the teens, which works on druids in form.|||There is also Flash Bomb (lvl 27 engineering made item) for use on druids. Damage doesn't break it, and if they shift out, they're still feared.|||thanks everyone. i like the flash bombs, the recipe is from a quest in badlands, only issue - it is for lvl 30+ and my twink rogue is lvl 29.

might have to con a higher lvl enginner to do the quest and hopefully the recipe isnt BOP.|||Yeah, I have my main make them. If you've got a character thats eligible for/has done the pearl quest I think you can just pick up engineering and get the schematic. Otherwise, it isn't BoP, but thottbot lists it at around 300g auction price.

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