Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Rules of Engagement?

I play on a PvE server and I was wondering if there are any rules of engagement with regards to PvP. Normally I only PvP in the BGs, but never outside of them. This weekend there was a gathering of Horde just around the corner of the gates of Stormwind and it looked like they were going to march in the front gates. There must've been at least 30 Horde all standing on a small hill and they were all flagged. There was also a crowd of Alliance all gathered around and none were flagged. So I (a lvl 66 Gnome rogue), walked up the hill and stood in the middle of the pack and targetted a priest. I waited another 30 seconds and still nobody on the Alliance side did anything, so I took the first shot and started attacking the priest and then all hell broke loose as the idle Alliance people all started attacking too. This got me wondering if I should've waited for the Horde to go into SW before attacking. Is it fair play to attack anyone who's flagged?|||On a PVP server, Alliance will not be automatically flagged in their own cities...However, Hordies will be flagged in Alliance territory.

I say attack anyone that is flagged, anywhere they are found, on either type of server.|||Quote:

Is it fair play to attack anyone who's flagged?

From a PvP server perspective, yes.|||Quote:

From a PvP server perspective, yes.

I contend that people who have flagged on a PVE server have intentionally opened themselves for PVP, and thus are also fair targets.|||Fair? Yes. Honerable? No.

Everything is fair if they have chosen to flag and be in a vulernable spot.

On the other hand, "blue flagging" where you take advantage of the first shot is a bit on the dishonerable side. That having been said, no one ever said there had to be honor in PvP. It will really come down to your personal feeling on the matter. Personally, if I'm planning in getting into it, I'll flag myself first. However, when I flag up, I have no illusions that I'm not about to get smacked by someone who isn't yet flagged, and I don't consider their action as unfair, just a bit cowardly. It's a decision I make, and to some extent, it's a show of strength. I've actually had people take off when I've chosen to flag up instead of taking a pot shot at them first. They may not die, but I still consider that a victory.

Of course, all of the above is just my opinion.|||Lately i have been playing on a pvp server, from exclusively pve and I have seen some interesting RoE's.

Most noteworthy is the "ganking" by skulls (those players that are a skull to you when you target them) on the lowbie's. To me it's not worth it to attack someone who will net me no honor nor a challenge. And on that note neither do I repeatedly kill the same person over and over...UNLESS they were doing it to me first and I managed to find a way to win that one time and then its game on!

On pve servers if you find someone out in the "world" flagged, they had to do it intentionaly, even if they just left a bg and headed somewhere before letting it turn off. That means, to me, that they want to experience some open world pvp action and thereby I will do my best to entertain them, win or lose.

I would contend that blizzard implement one feature that would assist w/the skull ganking problem. If someone is 20 levels lower than you and you attack and kill them you get the afkers honor debuff for 10 mins. THis will not stop you from killing them but might make you think twice.

What irritates me is when I am fighting someone of my own level and a skull "helps" them win.|||All's fair in love and war. I was in Nagrand soloing the group quests after recently hitting 70 on my lock for the massive gold rewards, and I can't count the number of times someone decided to stop and harass/kill me while juggling various 67 elites in the zone.

Adopt and apply your own philosophy of fairness and honor when dealing with killing the opposite faction, but realize your opponents won't always have the same kindess when dealing with you. I personally seek out fair fights or ones where I'm at the disadvantage to further hone my combat abilities, whereas some people just love to go around in zergs and 10v1 people, which I find unsatisfying and lame.

However if I've just been griefed for no good reason, I will not hesitate to camp your lame ass for the next 20 minutes as retribution. =)|||the rules of engagement?

hit them fast and hard.|||Rules of engagement?

Well first, it would be expected that you two liked each other, and were dating. Then you probably go get a ring, and set up a romantic evening to pop the question. If it all works out, she'll say yes, and then you'll be engaged.

::|||Where is Shellar to link his/her [Diamond Solitaire]?????

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