Saturday, April 14, 2012

Where does Alliance go to gank lowbies?

[:1]I play Alliance, and while I was leveling up I was routinely killed by ?? players while questing in Duskwood, Ashenvale, Wetlands, Redridge, and of course STV.

The worst places were Astranaar in Ashenvale and anywhere on the road in Duskwood. Also, every once in a while a few hordies would stand on the docks in Menethil Harbor and cause trouble.

Well now I'm high enough to return the favor - but I don't know what the good places are as Alliance.

Sure we could argue all day about whether or not it's nice to do this blah blah blah, but I look at it like hazing. It sucks to be hazed, but who gets hazed and then passes up the chance when it's their turn to do the hazing? I don't plan on killing the same person repeatedly, I just plan on killing everyone until they call their 60 friends or get on their alt. It's not like that won't be fun either.||| know, you really aren't helping the "everyone who ganks is too stupid to tie their own shoes" thing, Steam, but since you evidently could not be bothered to check the maps...

Which zones have you never been to?

What zones border them?

Which of those zones wouldn't be too high level for the new ones?

Hint: the three answers are Ashenvale, 1k needles, and Hillsbrad. Of course, going to Ashenvale means you might run into your counterparts on the other side of the fence, and god forbid challenge come into it... you'll want to stay in the Needles area of Thousand Needles, because horde from Tanaris could come to the rescue, and of course there are occasionally bored 60s hanging around in the Alterac Mountains and thus Tarren Mill...

May your e-peen be amplified by this enterprise, Steamy.|||Quote:

It sucks to be hazed, but who gets hazed and then passes up the chance when it's their turn to do the hazing?

A person mature enough to recognize the pointlessness of such behaviour. *shrugs* Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you and all that jazz.|||Ganking is fun. No durability loss. There are Ganking ethics you know. Getting ganked isn't so bad either. As long as the Ganker is following the below rules. I got my 56 butt ganked all the way to SM last night. I got hit by the same warrior and his 36 hunter buddy six times. I would res and run a little farther and get dropped. I didn't even fight back, they were so hung up on me the group I was helping slipped right by. Took me a little longer than I wanted, but no biggie. I got the hunters pet later for payback.

Don't Corspe camp.

Don't do heavy damage and let the MOB they are fighting finish them off so they take a Dura loss.

However if you see a lowbie trying to escape some MOBs and is sure to die, go ahead and finish his butt off. He is dead either way, at least he won't take a dura loss this way.

Don't Gank when they are trying to take down a quest MOB.

NEVER EVER Gank when they are fighting a elite. Give them a hand if anything.

Don't gank if you know its a long corpse run.

Don't camp NPC areas such as Nessingway <SP?> in STV.

Don't gank someone when they are weak from a duel.

Ganking is all about messing with the lowbies and having a good time. They may even get a laugh out of it. There is a thin line between ganking and griefing though.

When I feel bad for a potential gank victim I help them out. Mind control and buff them or heal them as well as cure disease or dispell magic. Then sometimes gank them after all that for my own ammusement. The MC cast and MB cast are the same, just very different results.

I spread about as much chear with my buffing horde as I spread hate by ganking. IF you see Kaaskop coming at you on a mount the worse thing to do is run, I like chasing things. I also like to dispell travel formed druids. Keep in mind that these lowbies also will gank your higher level butt if they get the chance. O yea I also gank any hunter pets I see. I will leave the hunter alone, but the pet must die. I hope they take a happiness loss too.|||i have only been playing a very short time, but i promise you there are no ethics in ganking, because the first time you're nice to someone your gonna get the beat down by him and his friends 10 min later. i'll kill any chance i get.

had a mage corpse camping me and he even had the nerve to exp while standing next to my corpse..i waited for the mob to get him low on health then clicked rezed and got revenge. ethics? forget that.|||Sorry, but no dispelling travel formed druids.... wolfform shamans, sure.

Druids ? Nope.|||Quote:

I play Alliance, and while I was leveling up I was routinely killed by ?? players while questing in Duskwood, Ashenvale, Wetlands, Redridge, and of course STV.

The worst places were Astranaar in Ashenvale and anywhere on the road in Duskwood. Also, every once in a while a few hordies would stand on the docks in Menethil Harbor and cause trouble.

Well now I'm high enough to return the favor - but I don't know what the good places are as Alliance.

Sure we could argue all day about whether or not it's nice to do this blah blah blah, but I look at it like hazing. It sucks to be hazed, but who gets hazed and then passes up the chance when it's their turn to do the hazing? I don't plan on killing the same person repeatedly, I just plan on killing everyone until they call their 60 friends or get on their alt. It's not like that won't be fun either.

"An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth and the whole world shall be blind and toothless" - Tevia in "Fiddler on the Roof"|||Quote:

May your e-peen be amplified by this enterprise, Steamy.

Jeez - lighten up, chief.

Maybe I should have rolled RP-PVP, cause I hate hordies ok? Every single player on my server made the choice to be in a PVP environment.

This isn't about my e-peen, it's about making it a little harder for my enemy to become stronger.|||Quote:

A person mature enough to recognize the pointlessness of such behaviour. *shrugs* Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you and all that jazz.

Screw that. Ganking 4 L.

ahem, sorry.

Yeah so you should really focus on the people that ganked you. Write their names down or something... because eventually you'll be the same level and you can exact sweet revenge.


Screw that. Ganking 4 L.

ahem, sorry.

Yeah so you should really focus on the people that ganked you. Write their names down or something... because eventually you'll be the same level and you can exact sweet revenge.


LOL , yup i have a list running already. i cant wait till 60

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