I think that some new players might want a "How to Play" guide in PvP for it is more than just reading the tutorials, it's all about skills and ingenuity.
So hereby I'd like to open this thread so people can show their tactics in PvP, this not only for the new people in WoW, but also for:
- Discussing about each other's tactic in both BG's as in Arena.
- Showing what you think what the best PvP talent spec per class is and indicate why you think it is so and discussing the talent specs.
- Perhaps compile all tactics and specs, assembling "The best" PvP Guide about what to do as a class versus every other class with every talent tree.
I will create a warlock guide to battlegrounds myself, but it might take a week.|||I am a hunter LvL 67 at the moment. My gear (and i hope my skill) have given me the ability to take on s1 or less lvl 70s. to survive bgs at any lvl especially if you are not the max you need to work with your team even if it doesnt appeal to you. Here are my tactics. (remeber these tactics come from a hunter although you may find some tips for other classes.)
In General
-you should always use your hunters mark on rogues even if they are not your targets. This will save many a healer getting killed and turning the tide of that particular skirmish.
-if you are about to die put down a frost trap. yes you wont get any damage done but that enemy will be out of commission for 10 seconds. Alot can happen in 10 secounds. And if he does use a trinket then he will have to wait at least 2 minutes to reuse that trinket.
-if you see a healer take time to let loose a viper sting. the effects of the viper sting will take away 5 heals they could have done.
In Warsong Gulch
-as hunter your not really suited to flag carrying. nor are you suited to defense as your slowing down tactics work mostly in the form of traps and wing clip. sure you have concussive but it doesnt help as much as you would think. unless you invest the five point in improved concussive shot that is. a hunters best position in Warsong gulch is right near the fc. to defend teh fc quite literally with his life. you have wing clip. its instant cast adn you dont need to raise any rage to use it. all you have to do to protect the fc is drop a a frost trap and spam tab and wingclip doing that should slow everyone down long enouch for your fc to make it. if you are playing lvl 40 plus WSG the same rules apply except that you have to concussive shot them as they come then wing clip them.
In Arathi Basin.
-Your position here is flag capture. its almost as if hunters where created for flag capture. you have flare to pick up rogues hiding near the flag. and you have a frost trap which freezes ppl in a block of ice for 10 secounds the exact amount of time needed to capture the flag.
-a well played hunter can take on two ppl his lvl or 1 or 2 lvls higher with no problem (if played properly that is) but htere are different tactics for both attacks.
-if there is one enemy get him/her in your frost trap and capture the flag then you can worry about finishing him off. although if he/she uses a trinket you will have to finish him/her off.
-first off dont kill one of them too early try and get them to use their insignias/talismans, a good way to do that is to wing clip them and kite them it should make them mad enough to use their trinkets then kill one freeze the other and cap that flag. if your lucky the first wont respawn and the place is yours. if your unlucky the first will respawn and you will lose unless you are a proffessional hunter.
In Altarac Valley
now tactics differ whether you are horde or ally.
If ally
-concentrate solely on killing the the horde while advancing forward. you need to get to the horde general.]
-or you can concentrate solely on defending your bunkers.
-or capture the gys
If Horde
-since ally bunkers are wider the best way to help your team is to capture their bunkers killing the guards is easy. you hide behind the pillers and take leave a frost trap on the higher stairthem out one by one then leave a frost trap on the higher stair then stand in a position where you can see the door leaving a flare at the opening constantly.
-or you can chase down allies or capture gys.
In Eye of the Storm
-Here you have 3 choices you can be a defender attacker or skirmisher.
-As defender you defend the bases that your team has.
-as attacker capture a base secure it and move on
-as skimisher you stay near whrea the flag spawns and keep the area in your hands.
Well thats what i do in my Bgs. If you have better suggestions (which im sure you do) pls offer your suggestion.
Hope this helps|||I couldn't find anything wrong in your tactics myself, but I think having first aid can help you out a lot when you are 1v1 if you combine it with your Freezing Trap (and he doesn't break loose in any way).
But there is one thing that I'd say is pretty optimistic:
-a well played hunter can take on two ppl his lvl or 1 or 2 lvls higher with no problem (if played properly that is) but htere are different tactics for both attacks.
Yourself and readers of this quote should see this as an exaggeration, for I suppose 60% in AB have an IQ lower than 90, but for those that are experienced PvPers I'd say you'd be more cautious.
ALWAYS have a plan B in these sutiations, for example:
- Let your pet attack your target, concuss him, run away and call for help. (Your easiest way to solve it)
- Try to play with LoS and use try to pick up buffs wisely (Regeneration while your target cannot hit you and Berserk when you can finish the target off in a well timed combo [nice way to win when you're low on health])
- Use your pet's abilities, not just using the ones that are on auto-cast!
I say these words from my experience fighting skilled hunters.|||Hey Guys,
I am currently a gladiator Warrior that attained this title both in Season 1 and Season 2... therefore, I know a thing or two. As a warrior, you need to use all of your stances for different situations, but more importantly, knowing your terrain so that you arn't everything that is being thrown at you. Macroing defensive stance and intervene is wonderful for getting out of dangerous situations. I use these tactics the most in my 2v2 with a druid. Please share any other Arena PvP Tactics you have.
Hey Guys,
I am currently a gladiator Warrior that attained this title both in Season 1 and Season 2... therefore, I know a thing or two. As a warrior, you need to use all of your stances for different situations, but more importantly, knowing your terrain so that you arn't everything that is being thrown at you. Macroing defensive stance and intervene is wonderful for getting out of dangerous situations. I use these tactics the most in my 2v2 with a druid. Please share any other Arena PvP Tactics you have.
Hey Musashi, that sounds like a great plan. Awesome links!|||Quote:
Hey Guys,
I am currently a gladiator Warrior that attained this title both in Season 1 and Season 2... therefore, I know a thing or two. As a warrior, you need to use all of your stances for different situations, but more importantly, knowing your terrain so that you arn't everything that is being thrown at you. Macroing defensive stance and intervene is wonderful for getting out of dangerous situations. I use these tactics the most in my 2v2 with a druid. Please share any other Arena PvP Tactics you have.
Musashi are those guides you have linked in your sig really effective, i have a 70 rogue and i have been trying really hard to improve my PvP skills, would the rogue guide help?|||Try not to trust one time posters who link to guides you have to pay for. I don't like advertisements, if they were links from a known posters maybe, but this sets off the 'Advert' sign in my mind. The links have been nuked.
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