Leet 43 Tankadin skills > uber twinked gear
|||Well, you sorted the stats by HK's and your team lost, but gratz on all the assists|||The hunter above you did 49000 to your 12000, good job... and 1 kill to 6 deaths...great
the guy third from the bottom did more damage than you!|||I'm about surviving no damage, and being grey back then they would generally go for me first. I always make sure I'm at the front, get them on me and the people with me do most the killing. Damage and healing have gone up now I'm 46 and still right up there.|||well, you are good at assisting. i assume it was your AoE. Which hardly tickles someone a few levels above you. I wouldnt realy call that owning :) But keep it up as long as it makes fun :) it certainly gives good honor.|||I do fire off an AE or two but mostly get the mine and hold it, taking on anything that comes down regardless of level or class (damn 49 shamans!). Just wish I could shout, "you shall not pass" in Alliance language and wtfpwn a Balgrog occassionally :D|||C'mon give the guy some credit - he's taking a road less travelled (either that, or he got bored on the way to 49... whichever. heh). Twinking out at a low level is an interesting challenge in which you attempt to overcome a 4-6 level disadvantage using your own skill and ability to itemize.
I wish more twinks had the big, bronze balls this guy has... because twinking at *9 is an activity for people who don't have the skill to PvP at 70, or get off on easy wins.|||Quote:
because twinking at *9 is an activity for people who don't have the skill to PvP at 70, or get off on easy wins.
Incorrect, some of us love pvping - regularly I pvp on my 70 hunter (with a preBC "Master Seargent" title and 15k + kills), 68 mage (loving him lately), 49 priest (now 50 so I could get tailoring to 350), 29 twink rogue, and a 27 warrior that I've been leveling from time to time. It's a change of pace pure and simple. Twinks are little projects that some of us enjoy doing. I spent several months researching, questing, buying things for my little rogue. I recently saved up enough honor to get my alliance battle standard. It has nothing to do to with skill (I'm sure there are some sad souls that only twink b/c they can't hack it elsewhere - but this is not usually the case at all). Read one of the 100 threads here about twinking etc, and you'll find that many of those that have twinks - like fighting other twinks - not one shotting dudes all day to watch their epeen grow.|||I have some high level toons and a level 19 twink. I like most aspects of this game and its fun to play with different styles.|||Sorry - I can't take the: "I twink so I can fight other twinks" attitude seriously. I call BS whenever I see that 95% of the time - because when I'm leveling an alt, twinks don't *ignore* me and find other twinks to fight. :)
Do they have a right do whatever they want within the rules for $14.95 a month? Yes. Do they have the *right* to twink? Yes. So don't argue that - you're well within your right to do it.
Do I have to like them? Hell no. Do I have to take anyone who plays a twinks seriously? Hell no (I can understand the fun may actually be in building one and showing him off on the forums - kinda like a classic car that sits in a garage, or a 50 year old collector's item in its original packaging - but to those who actually enjoy playing them seriously, I got limited respect for). Can I think whatever I want about people who twink? Hell yes.
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