Saturday, April 21, 2012

Two Shamans for Battle Grounds?


Me and the g/f got quite addicted to Battlegrounds when we were 38-39, but now we're both 40 we face the prospect of no BG fun for a while, so we thought we'd level some toons up for keeping in the teens maybe 20s. We both thought Shaman would be fun - any suggestions? I know they get travel form later on, but what's good for talents etc?

Any general advice appreciated :)|||resto and elemental would work or resto and enhancement|||Even at low level? They don't seem to have much dps or survivability.|||I am lvling a frost mage (36 now) and a enhance shaman (30 now). When my shaman was 27, she could finish the same quests (wetlands) faster than my mage which was 31 then. I think it was because shaman can do melee and spell damage plus the underwater breathing talent. On the other hand, my mage's spells got resisted from time to time.

Also, when my rogue (70 now) was in 20s, shamans topped the damage meter in my group.


Ghost wolf at lvl 20.


High DPS

Underwater breathing

Lots of spells and totems


OMG mana drainer - drink every 3 mobs. Mages have twice mana pool at the same lvl.

No CC.

Too many spells and totems.

I tried AB when my shaman was 28. It was fun to see everyone ran so slowly when I was running in ghost wolf form. When I was losing in fights, I lay down the slowing down earth totem and transformed to the wolf form and ran away... LOL.

|||What about a druid shaman combo then? I have a level 10 druid.

We were thinking to play in the 10-19 bracket so no speed :(|||I found druids kind of boring and not that great before 20-25...|||What about Shamans? They seem to do ok in BGs but I don't see how looking at their spells and talents. A 49 blew me up in like 2 hits tonight :(|||Well, he was 9 levels higher than you. That's why it's generally not a good idea to go to BG's at anything less than *6-*9 (where * is the bracket your in).

The big thought is that the 30-39 and 40-49 brackets are the Enhancement Shaman's best times in BG (when you play them right).

Unless you plan to completely twink them out, I'd go for the 20-29 bracket, as you'll get Ghostwolf (and if you get lucky, that Axe from RFK)|||Surprisingly, apart from the obviously twinked 49s I was holding my own being tanked specced, and certainly swung a few battles with a well timed heal. It was only the shaman that were literally blowing me up!|||At that level, it doesn't really matter what spec you choose as long as your communication is good and strategy is sound.

As you will be a part of a team of 10-15 rather than a 2v2 Arena group, I would actually go both Restro. Keep yourselves and your teamates healed. Just remember, be flexible. You don't have to worry about +Spell Gear or +Healing - an Enhancement Shaman throwing a heal on a companion is like 90% as effective as a Restro Shaman. Restro Shaman may have more mana, but the move itself has almost the same validity. Likewise, a Restro deals almost as much damage as an Enhancement Shaman - especially if you have a powerful +Strength 2 hander w/Windfury you can switch to.

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