Saturday, April 21, 2012

Some suggestions, anyone?

Why, hello.

I've decided to start playing again, seems I just couldn't keep away.. And ofcourse there's always, I've been stuggling with the obvious question; what class should I play..?

I've been thinking along the lines of a gnome/human warrior, or perhaps even a nightelf hunter? Im open to suggestions, and I'll consider pretty much anything, but I've played a couple of warlocks/ druids.. Also a shaman, once.

Any tips on a stimulating and fun class? Im mainly into PvP, but soloing capability is always a plus.

Please give me a suggestion, and preferably a good reason to choose it! :)|||you can always roll a pair of dice, flip a coin, or close your eyes and click wildly.

as for suggestions, i really have none. heck, play the one that looks good.|||best thing to do would be take all the classes that interest you to level 20.. and decide from there|||A rogue or a hunter would be both be great choices. Both excel in pvp combat and solo very well (hunters are the best soloing class in the game).

Warriors can be good if you're bent on it, but are more gear dependent than other classes for both soloing and pvp.

If you're not sure which role you would like to fill later on; a druid or paladin offer lots of flexibility and specced properly can fill any of the 3 roles reasonably well. Both of them solo fairly well as well as pvp.

taking 4 toons up to 20 will take you a considerable amount of time if you are new - around 20 hours per toon. I would not recommend this approach. To give some perspective: you could have 1 40 or 45 toon, or 4 level 20's, up to you...

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