First of all im srry about any gramar or spelling error, i only use english when playing wow and browsing the web.
S4 honor �tems will take at least 108.094 honor and 50eots/50av/40ab/20wsg tokens. This considering only the season Honor �tems. Adding S2 items will need also some tokens so its important to keep an eye on this.
In my case i need the S2 Spellblade which is 25200honor and 20eots tokens.
So i need 133.294 honor and 70eots/50av/40ab/20wsg.
Starting point is to cap honor and tokens farming before S4 starts.
So I got 75k to spent and also have to save all tokens i will need to buy. Then i can start turning the Concerted Effort quests, gaining like 1k honor x 3 turns= 10k honor spending all reamining Eots tokens (i will need 70 considering all i want to buy).
There u got 85k honor to spent as soon as S4 arrives. Then the fastest way to farm honor will be doing Eots since each token will allow you to turn another Concerted Efforts. 3 tokens x win = 1k honor turning quests. This will be posible until u spent all the remaining AV tokens but should you manage it to farm also AV tokens if needed.
Considering you farm those 20 eots tokens and turn 50 times the Concerted Efforts quest then you got 92k honor. You can try to farm say 10 eots tokens the day before S4 starts so they will be on your mail when u can start turning quests and so u need to farm only 10 the first days.
At last u can gain another aditional 1k honor by doing dailyes quests before S4 start. Should you have the BG daily done and rdy to be turned, also the Nagrand quest which gives you like 300honor and the towers caps on Terokar forest. There u got the 1k honor rdy to be turning on.
There it is: 93k honor, 86k which are already farmed and aditional 7k fast to farm by doing Eots. This way you can focus on raising up your arena teams so maybe you can reach the rank needed to buy the �tems you want.
Carmina - Sdw Priest
Azjol-Nerub Server
Cyclone Battlegroup|||im sorry, what is the point of this thread?|||Quote:
im sorry, what is the point of this thread?
I have to admit that I have no idea.|||Is he trying to say that the most honor points ppl can collect is 86K that can get the most pvp gears?|||It sounds to me like he was letting people know what they could do to maximize their effective honor to spend on items, day one of the S4 patch. Including capping out your honor at 75K and having a full bank of 100 tokens per BG. Having enough tokens to buy the gear as well as having some to turn in for honor via concerted efforts. Also doing some of the PvP dailies, but not turning them in...all so you can just straight pimp mad gears on day one of S4.|||Quote:
It sounds to me like he was letting people know what they could do to maximize their effective honor to spend on items, day one of the S4 patch. Including capping out your honor at 75K and having a full bank of 100 tokens per BG. Having enough tokens to buy the gear as well as having some to turn in for honor via concerted efforts. Also doing some of the PvP dailies, but not turning them in...all so you can just straight pimp mad gears on day one of S4.
That's what I got out of it.|||Well, he suggests getting 75k honor, and THEN turning in tokens....which I do not believe will result in a saved honor number above 75K.
75k is the cap on honor you can save.
Perhaps he will come back to explain.|||hey im srry it confused you so much, im trying my best english lol.
I was just explaining how i will be able to spent the most honor as soon as S4 comes. Just like theshard resume. This to help some ppl (like me) who already cap honor and want to know what else can they do to keep "farming".
its true that you cant farm more than 75k but the point is that im rdy to spent 86k honor without play any bg after s4 starts, so i can focus on rank up my arena team to 1700 and get all the honor gear available. this wont be easy to me so maybe i will end first week with honor i cant use for a while.|||ok... now everything makes sense. i have to reread everything now that i know what you're trying to say. thank you. =]
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