Saturday, April 14, 2012

Getting into PvP for the first time

[:1]I've been slowly expanding my WoW experience from questing PvE to instances and would like to get involved in PvP - battlegrounds particularly but also arenas and world PvP as well.

I have some toons on PvP servers and I was wondering whether entering a battlefield with PvE gear in order to get honour to buy specialist equipment was OK and is not going to get me laughed at as a noob, or whether there is anything in particular I

My main PvP character is a tauren shaman but I am also levelling a human rogue and blood elf hunter on PvP servers (the latter on the RPPvP EU-Defias Brotherhood server). Is it better to train the newer characters up or can I parachute in a level 30 PvE equipped shaman into a BG and run with it there?|||At what level are you talking about? Its generally best to go in the x7/8/9 levels while leveling until 51 then hit Alterac valley - I leveled 51-60 in probably a few hours!

As for going into the bg's for the first time - all I can say is good luck and welcome to the fold! The most certain things I can predict are:

You will die lots,

you will kill lots,

you will screw up lots,

you will love it,

you will hate it,

you will just miss that crucial heal,

you will get that crucial heal in,

you will save the day (awesome when you do that)

you will lose miserably.

Just stick with the crowd at first and pop the heals, crowd control, totems, swing that god damn axe about, shock-shock lol.

As a rogue its pick off the clothies/healers - be the sneakiest little nuisance you can possibly think of!

As a hunter - shoot/trap/cc/own. Probably the most rewarding PvP class to level - you can top damage/kills fairly easily.....not that this will necessarily win you the bg - the most important part is team work.

Oh did I mention? You will love it

Bah i'm rambling ;)|||Hey thanks :).|||I have always pvp'ed in my pve gear on my main (also tauren shaman), because quite bluntly the best healing gear in the game then was pve and I saw no reason to change it. I never caught any rude comments or laughter healing bgs in full pve gear, rather I got the opposite reaction. You'll die a little more often in pve gear than if you were in pvp gear, but so what?|||Quote:

I have always pvp'ed in my pve gear on my main (also tauren shaman), because quite bluntly the best healing gear in the game then was pve and I saw no reason to change it. I never caught any rude comments or laughter healing bgs in full pve gear, rather I got the opposite reaction. You'll die a little more often in pve gear than if you were in pvp gear, but so what?

Meh... when I played I done nothing but PvP at lvl70, and I had PvP gear with 'exalted rep' gears. All I done was farm BG's and Reputations (Fury Warrior)|||Rogue is a choice. I'll explain tomorrow as I'm leaving work and short on time to post. One thing though, I would advise against dropping a level 30 character into the BG's. You will get your rear end kicked all over the place because you are at the bottom of the 30's PvP bracket. I sugest either leveling said 30 to 39 or leveling a new toon to 29 or even 19.

Try twinking a Rogue at 19 or 29.

Oh and if a Rogue get Engineering!|||Quote:

Rogue is a choice. I'll explain tomorrow as I'm leaving work and short on time to post. One thing though, I would advise against dropping a level 30 character into the BG's. You will get your rear end kicked all over the place because you are at the bottom of the 30's PvP bracket. I sugest either leveling said 30 to 39 or leveling a new toon to 29 or even 19.

Try twinking a Rogue at 19 or 29.

Oh and if a Rogue get Engineering!

Honestly I would not pvp on a rogue if you are new to wow or pvp. You will get body checked hard as low lvl rogues require atleast a bit of finesse to use properly until they get their instagib abilities. a good first pvp character is a Retribution paladin. You hit hard, can heal yourself, and if things look bad you can bubble. It's a well balanced starter for first hitting pvp.

Also its fine to enter a bg at the low end of the bracket, as long as you realize you are simply support at that lvl and are not going to main anything.

If you're a druid, root people, spam moon fire on flag grabbers, faerie fire every stealther you see. As a mage polymorph and frost nova everything that moves. Rogue: sap, gouge, blind, kick. And so on and so forth, just don't expect to actually kill anyone or solo take anything at the low end, just get out there and support the higher lvls until you can do stuff too.|||the only advice I can give is pick a nondescript name for your PvP character. I made the mistake of calling my priest midnightheal thinking it would be easy for people on my server to recognise me, which worked fine untill I got into BGs. Then the horde saw my name and I became public enemy number 1. the fact that this was at level 80 and I had no resilience gear didn't help my situation. there's something about being killed by a pally in 3 seconds when I had PW:S, guardian spirit, renew and PoM on myself. needless to say, I quickly removed myself from the PvP spectrum on that character.|||I've just started playing Warsong Gulch on various characters, Alliance and Horde, and I'm really enjoying it. Haven't levelled the rogue but I started a belf hunter, Astaron, just before Christmas and have been both instance-levelling him and playing the BGs for sport. He's on the EU-Defias Brotherhood server, so when he eventually finds the time to do a bit of questing, he won't be a soft target in Killsbrad.

It's a bit like school sports day in that I started off just aimlessly following people around and copying what they did (with hilarious results when Astaron entered one match 5 minutes before the end - us Horde were at 2/3 - 0/3 so it was obvious we were going to win - and we were just standing around on top of the lumbermill ... I don't smoke IRL myself but I got the impression Astaron was just having a quick ciggie while the others cleaned up what was left of the Alliance; we saw off the one person who came our way with a hail of arrows from a reasonable distance ...) but over the course of a few matches on different toons I've got fairly competent (unlike at school, where I always sucked and was usually in goal for want of anything better to do like read a book instead).

What if anything do I spend the points on?|||Save your honor points and marks...and spend them on gear (pvp rewards) that will help you.

Check the vendors first to see what's a good buy.

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