Saturday, April 14, 2012

(new to WoW) No risk in PvP?!?

[:1]Hello, I'm new to WoW, I've played the 10 day trial and I'm waiting for WoW to arrive from I used to play Runescape, (for the Pvp) and i loved the huuggeee risk involved. If you died while doing some serious Pk'ing you would lose everything you had on you (Armour and weapons), so if you died, or killed someone, it actually means something. Of course there are places you can go to just have fun and not lose anything, but no profit. So while playing the 10 day trial I died numerous times and lost nothing, only having to return to my corpse. I found that rather pointless but oh hell, its only PvE. So I was buying WoW from amazon and on the item page a saw this: "Most games severely penalize players when they die in-game, usually by shaving experience points, funds, or both. In WoW, death just relocates your ghost to the nearest graveyard, and the only penalty is the time it takes you to get back to resurrect your character's corpse.". So I PvP the same? cuz that would suck! whats the POINT?!!?!?!|||BG PvP is different...

you get relocated to your graveyard and auto ressed every 30 seconds. you don't run to your corpse.

You lose any/all buffs except Flasks.

I remember in old Diablo2...losing quite a bit of EXP for dieing, and even more fun was Hardcore when you died...your toon was unplayable anymore.|||but still, buffs? thats Runescape you would lose items that took hours/days of work to get back.|||And that' one reason WoW has 12m players... people aren't out questing, get ganked by a toon 40 levels higher and lose days worth of effort. Never played RS, but if I'd been leveling in STV at 33 or so and some level 80 came by, one shot me and took all my gear I'd have quit right then. What you might be missing is that there are such power disparities between a high and low level toon that you could die without being able to do anything about it. If my 80 Death Knight or priest wants to kill your level 33 anything you will die in a single hit. Why should you lose significant time in that situation? It's not that you died because you're a bad player etc... you died because you ran across a toon far more powerful than you and I don't see how a big death penalty would be fair in that case.

More generally, WoW caters to people who *aren't* turned on my v high res graphics, huge death penalties, etc. It's a game where things like dying are an inconvenience and you want to avoid them, but you're not set you back hours and days because some kid with no social skills decides to ride back to lowbie zones and kill people who have zero chance of defending themselves.|||WoW grew big by getting rid of all the annoying, grindy stuff. If you prefer grinding, annoying stuff - by all means try another game.|||Quote:

people aren't out questing, get ganked by a toon 40 levels higher and lose days worth of effort

That would never happen in RS. you couldn't attack people unless you were in a PVP zone, and only in *special* zones would you lose gear, and you would always be warned before entering, and nowhere in RS could you fight people 20+ levels higher then you unless you went into another *special* zone. So its just like WoW but if you wanted, you could go somewhere to PvP more seriously, with a death penalty(and make some F'ing profit). So are you saying there is NO WAY to make ANY profit from PvPing in WoW? that sucks.|||Quote:

That would never happen in RS. you couldn't attack people unless you were in a PVP zone, and only in *special* zones would you lose gear, and you would always be warned before entering, and nowhere in RS could you fight people 20+ levels higher then you unless you went into another *special* zone. So its just like WoW but if you wanted, you could go somewhere to PvP more seriously, with a death penalty(and make some F'ing profit). So are you saying there is NO WAY to make ANY profit from PvPing in WoW? that sucks.

You get nothing like that from pvp in wow, no. You get honor for killing other players, which can be used as a currency to purchase gear from a vendor, but you physically get nothing from the player you kill. There's some minor silver when you kill them in the battlegrounds, but it's a pittance. What's theirs is still theirs. No taking it from them.

In wow, if you're pvp enabled, or at large on a pvp server, you can be killed by players 40, 50, levels higher than you...often.|||Don't even bother comparing WoW to runescape. You don't get penalized, and you don't lose anything. Someone kills you, you spawn at the spirit healer and you just have to run back to the corpse. If you were to lose gear/weapons/gold no one would play this game. It is very time consuming to get gear/weapons. Let's say you get a lot of pieces and someone with a couple more pieces kills you. Does that mean you wasted a month just to get the pieces and now you lost them all?|||it still suckes that no one can make any profit from pvping.|||Sigh. Go play RS then. Gold is stupidly easy to make in WoW so there's no need to implement the stuff RS has. It's a different game - if you like it, great, if not... well WoW's not going to change to suit you, so there's no point in playing.

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