Saturday, April 14, 2012

Twinks Rejoice - Turn Off XP In Patch 3.2

[:1]I was just taking a read through the recent announcement about gaining XP in battlegrounds, and I saw that players can opt out if it for a fee of 10g.

Fair enough - then I saw that this doesn't just apply to BGs, this is all content.

Blizzard Quote: (Source)

If these players disable the ability to gain experience, will this apply to PvE content as well?

Cory Stockton: Yes, this option will apply to PvE content as well as PvP.

I guess there are some happy twinks around|||Here's a bit more of a snippet:

Blizzard Quote:

# Battlegrounds

* Battleground experience has arrived!

o Players will now be awarded experience for completing objectives and actions that yield honor in Battlegrounds (honorable kills not included).

o Players who do not wish to gain experience through PvP can visit Behsten in Stormwind or Slahtz in Orgrimmar - both located near the Battlemasters in either city - and turn off all experience accumulation for the cost of 10 gold.

o Disabling experience gains will prevent a player from gaining experience through any means available in the game.

o Players with experience gains turned off who compete in Battlegrounds will face off only against other players with experience gains turned off.

o Behsten and Slahtz can reinstate experience gains for players, for a 10 gold fee of course. Any experience that would've been accumulated if experience gains were not turned off cannot be recovered.

Color me impressed.|||Quote:

Blizzard Quote:

o Players with experience gains turned off who compete in Battlegrounds will face off only against other players with experience gains turned off.

I'm slightly confused by this. Does that mean there are 2 types of bg's now? Xp gains On/Off??

Feel free to /facepalm me if i'm wrong but i'm not understanding this|||Yup.

In one fel swoop, Blizzard nixed the "but then we run into twinks!' issue. I only hope this won't mean that twinks will be sitting in queue for 2 hrs to finally get a game going.|||Does anyone think we'll see an increase in 'twinking' because of this, or even a decline?|||It's about f***ing time!|||we'll see, Maticus. We'll see if the talk about not twinking just to destroy non-twinks was true. Or if they decide that having to face people just as twinked out as they are means that they decide it's not fun. This is 'put up or shut up' time for twinks... if they lived just to destroy normal players, they'll quit in a fit of QQ. If not, they'll stick around. AS to Aerath's worry about queue times... well if they are OK with facing twinks, it shouldn't be an issue.|||Quote:

Does anyone think we'll see an increase in 'twinking' because of this, or even a decline?

Well as the proud owner of a number of twinks Im not impressed with the patch changes. Part of the reason I twink, is because I like to win and I enjoy taking on 3+ opponents a time and live to tell the tale. Kind of like playing the hero's part, strike fear in your enemies when they see your name, saving the day in the nick of time and all that jazz. That's what gives me a kick in WOW. Oh, and I do like the challenge of facing other twinks when it happens, it's just not the same as winning vs. what seems to be impossible odds.

With BGs for twinks only, everyone will be more or less equal, you dont get to be the hero of the battle, and so you might as well level toons and do the regular BGs. The BGs of today are hard enough to fill as it is, and queueing is sometimes horrible. With separate BGs the twink ones will be impossible to fill. On top of that, fewer people will twink as time goes by, if they - like me - twink for the thrill of succesfully defending Lumbermill alone vs. 4 enemies, making sure that your team doesnt have a single death in WSG (yes I've done that), running the flag with 6 people hacking and slashing at you and still shaking them off to win the day, etc etc.

I think Blizzard made a mistake here - a BIG mistake.

And to the people who hate twinks - you are just like the people who twink: You dont like to lose. The difference is twinks do something about it. Try to respect that some people put a lot of time, research and gold into a single character to make it shine, instead of doing mindless grind to level or raid. There should be room for diversity in an game like wow - diversity in skill, levels, gear.

Im not gonna call the patch an act of communism, but it smells like the old - "we're all equal, no one should be able to do better than the rest". If Blizzard wants to stop unequal fights, why not stop the ganking that goes on in STV and other places, where lowlevels do endless corpseruns when they should be doing their quest. At least in BG everyone comes to fight, and some (twinks) choose to come prepared.|||Quote:

If Blizzard wants to stop unequal fights, why not stop the ganking that goes on in STV and other places, where lowlevels do endless corpseruns when they should be doing their quest. At least in BG everyone comes to fight, and some (twinks) choose to come prepared.

It seems to me like Blizzard has given twinks what they've been asking for since the start, a way to turn off XP and stay at whatever level they want forever without having to worry about accidentally levelling. The BG thing is a surprise though, but one many non twinks will be happy about.

I popped into a BG the other day while levelling a new character to complete a quest, and realised with horror that I'd probably come up against a twink or two. As you said yourself Keepholder, you do it so you can take out several 'regular' players at once. I can understand that, but the reason BGs are tiered is so they are reasonably fair. In a situation where you have a twink vs a player in levelling gear, skill doesn't come into it, and that's the problem for me.

In a twink vs twink scenario, skill will have to get you through. If twinks don't like that, it says a lot about them.

The point you made about ganking in the real world is valid, if Blizz stop twinks from going into BGs against non-twinks, how come high levels can take out lowbies in places like STV? Well, that's something you sign on for when you join a PvP realm, always having to stay alert and sometimes just getting well and truly ganked. But you know it's a risk and that's half of the fun. With BGs, there isn't meant to be that huge gap in performance. Yeah, there can be 10 levels between players worse case scenario but going into a BG, you know the risks if you're low. If a skilled player goes in at around, say, level 37, he probably shouldn't have much of a problem 1 on 1, unless his opponent is a twink, and I think that's unfair.

That's just my opinion though, what do other twinks think of this?|||But you see, MAticus, most twinks are only interested in being superman. They're not interested in being better skilled, just in winning. They are, basically, bullies. And now that they have to fight others who are just as big and strong as them, they'll do what most bullies do - cry and run away.

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