Saturday, April 14, 2012

Shadow Priest viable PvP?

[:1]I haven't played WoW since late 06' but have decided to make a comeback once I get my new gaming rig (about 3-4 weeks out). I definitely want to get into a high level raiding guild but always thought that the most amount of skill needed in WoW had to be used for PvP. For that reason PvP was always my favorite (by a small margin) thing to do in WoW.

I'm curious if a Shadow Priest is viable in PvP in today's environment.

Also, how is world PvP nowadays? Do the factions make routine raids on city's like back in Classic?|||Quote:

Also, how is world PvP nowadays? Do the factions make routine raids on city's like back in Classic?

Quite honestly, no. There are some leader raids, but since the groups doing that are just there for the achievement/mounts, many times they ride in, kill the leader and ride away without anyone in the city really saying boo about it. Usually you'll get some resistance if you're after the faction leaders themselves...Varian and Thrall, but otherwise, not so much. The days of Crossroads/Tarren Mill/Southshore are just a fuzzy warm memory.|||Quote:

I'm curious if a Shadow Priest is viable in PvP in today's environment.

in truth, they aren't. the problem with PvP now-a-days is that its all about burst damage, which the shadow priest really doesn't excel at. by the time you get all your dots on and start channeling mind flay, you're at 10% health, if not already dead. the only viable priest spec in PvP atm is disc. this may well change with the next expansion, inwhich blizzard are planning to increase health pools and decrease the amount of healing and damage everyone does. even so, I'm not building much hope for the future.|||With the new ability to dual spec characters at level 40... (basically switch between two specs at will, without having to go to your trainer and getting a respec) you could always just carry two specs as soon as you were high enough and could pay for them, and decide which works better for you. But yes, shadow priests are in a harsh place right now. Discipline is where a lot of people are going, for pvp and raiding healer.|||Damn...that really really sucks.

World PvP had to be one of my favorite aspects of the game.

I remember back when I had just dinged 47 with my undead rogue I had to make a flight back to the Tarren Mill to turn in a quest. Right as I was landing I could see the outline of blue and red streams flying away from a massive crowd of red colored names...Most of these names represented a level 60 but they also had lowly level 22's by their side laughing and jumping side to side. I through myself into stealth mode and what ensued was a 2 1/2 hour period of Ambushing and back and forths between a crowd of 100 alliance and horde players.

One of the best WoW experiences ever. How Blizzard could manage to change this game enough for this to go extinct really pisses me off...|||Quote:

Damn...that really really sucks.

World PvP had to be one of my favorite aspects of the game.

I remember back when I had just dinged 47 with my undead rogue I had to make a flight back to the Tarren Mill to turn in a quest. Right as I was landing I could see the outline of blue and red streams flying away from a massive crowd of red colored names...Most of these names represented a level 60 but they also had lowly level 22's by their side laughing and jumping side to side. I through myself into stealth mode and what ensued was a 2 1/2 hour period of Ambushing and back and forths between a crowd of 100 alliance and horde players.

One of the best WoW experiences ever. How Blizzard could manage to change this game enough for this to go extinct really pisses me off...

You're preaching to the choir. I always loved true world pvp, always up to drop everything and rush to Crossroad's defense. It was sad to stand pretty much unopposed on my last capital run... poor Tyrande had only four player characters willing to defend her. Velen might have had twice that.|||I honestly don't know which game you're playing :P

A well-geared shadow priest is very annoying to fight, in world PvP and BGs both. Options are more limited for them than Discipline priests when it comes to arena teams, but teams like Shadowplay (SPriest / Lock / Resto Shaman) or Shatterplay (same, but with a mage instead of the lock) are completely 2k+ viable.

One of the biggest issues is that you need to get your dots off, which heroism/bloodlust helps with tremendously, but full dots and a blanket silence will definitely have someone push the panic buttons.|||Quote:

A well-geared shadow priest is very annoying to fight, in world PvP and BGs both. Options are more limited for them than Discipline priests when it comes to arena teams, but teams like Shadowplay (SPriest / Lock / Resto Shaman) or Shatterplay (same, but with a mage instead of the lock) are completely 2k+ viable.

Thats like an arcane mage. you're fine as long as you don't get noticed. once you do, if the enemy half knows what they're doing, they'll kill you before you finish your rotation.|||In between dispersion, physic horror, fade removing snares and a couple other tricks, Shadow Priests aren't -that- easily beaten. It does, however, take some decent gear on the end of the SP to truly be a force to be reckoned with.|||Quote:

One of the best WoW experiences ever. How Blizzard could manage to change this game enough for this to go extinct really pisses me off...

Probably when everyone moved off to Outlands in BC and Northrend in WotLK. No one was there to go and raid Crossroads or Terran Mill. When people get board in BC or WotLK, they go and do dailies or, more recently, use the Random Dungeon Finder or work on some crazy Achievement. There are a lot more ways to kill time. Vanilla WoW didn't have dailies (at least to my knowledge), and once you had all of, or better, gear from a particular instance, there really wasn't any reason to go and get a Stratholme or a UBRS group together. These days, with getting Frost Badges or Triumph Badges from heroics, there's a reason to go and do these instances even if you're sitting in full Tier 9 and working on your Tier 10. Also, it's not as convenient as it was back in Vanilla WoW to hit up Crossroads or Terran Mill, since the only reasons people go to the Old World now is for the AH.

Who knows, though, maybe with Cataclysm and everyone moving back to the old world (with flying mounts), people will go and raid Crossroads and Terran Mill again since it'd be more convenient.

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