Saturday, April 14, 2012

Disc Priiest vs Holy Paladin in group PvP

[:1]I want to make a PvP healer - already have a lv40 Holy Paladin so that's my first choice, but I read that Discipline Priests are also pretty decent.

1. Can anyone give me the pros and cons of either choice?

2. Am I correct that those 2 are the main PvP healers?|||in terms of healing I'd say that they are pretty much even, although people usually go for pallies for their higher armour and bubble ability, making them harder to kill. the problem with pallys (imo) is that they are easier to interupt and silence than priests because of the lack of instant cast spells.

also, spells like imp counterspell stop you using any skill of that school for extra seconds, which gives priests an advantage as they have 2 schools to heal from, whereas pallies only have 1. as I said, they are pretty much equal as it stands and you'll see arena teams with both pallies or priests in them.|||Yeah that was the answer I was looking for, thanks.

So to summarize the (minor) differences: the Paladin has more survivability but the Priest has more versatility in healing/protection team members.|||if you take a look at the rankings on arenajunkies you'll see that the number 1 5v5 team has a disc priest and a holy pally so both are up there at the top in terms of healing. you'll also find that the top 3v3 team has a resto druid so don't discount the other healing classes as being useless for PvP. pallies and priests are more common simply because there are more of them around. there aren't many resto druids in PvP (most seem to prefer PvE) but the ones out there aren't to be ignored. the same goes for shaman healers.|||Quote:

....which gives priests an advantage as they have 2 schools to heal from...

Priests have Shadow and Holy spells, pretty sure hoy is our only healing school|||priests have disc healing spells and holy healing spells. lets say you're in an arena battle and the opposite team has a mage with them. you start casting penence on a teammate and the mage interupts you with counterspell. you now can't use any disc skills for 8 seconds. now, a pally would be bascially useless in this situation because by the time they could heal again, it would be too late and they would be dead. a priest on the other hand would just switch to holy spells and spam flash heal for 8 seconds.

that is the advantage a priest has over a paladin.|||Yeah, there are basically two classification of spells. School is what talent tree it belongs to (PW:S is Discipline even though it's not a talent for instance). The other I can't remember the name but it's about what kind of magic it uses.

So Penance, while using Holy Magic, is not a spell from the Holy School. Flash Heal is Holy/Holy.

I once had to really dig into this for an addon I was making...|||I'd say go with your holy paladin, they really are in a good place now. Not saying discs suck, but holy paladins survive melee alot better.|||disc priest are offensive healers. disc priest can dispel offensively as well as cc with mc or fear. also they can put out some good burst damage with holy fire+glyphed smite/mind blast or deplete the opponents mana with mana burn. they are however more easily killed and go oom quicker. holy paladin is a defensive healer, which means they don't need constant peels to stay alive. they are mana efficient and can regain mana better with the use of divine plea vs the 6min cd of the priests hymn of hope. they also have an easier time staying out of disorient cc's with the sacrifice spells. lastly paladins have beacon which can be used to keep two people alive at the same time. for group pvp i would say the hpal is better because of mentioned attributes.

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