Saturday, April 14, 2012

Tips for the Rogue

[:1]So i got my rogue and yes i do go into stealth with daggers.

It comes to me that whenever i try ambushing, cheap shot, sinister strike and maybe get about 6k health down i STILL lose my fight with the other character so im going to be needing some tips on PVP and dueling with the rogue for practice,



Best Weps hopefully Daggers (Agility> Stam) for level 80 PvP? list them here.|||You're a level 80 Rogue and you don't know your class?|||i've fought rogues, I've not played one.

I think it's more about controlling the fight than straight-up damage. Know your stuns and interrupts.

If an Arms warrior hits Bladestorm, you better get out of his way for 6 seconds, 'cuz you can't stop him.|||Gorny i would know but this is my brothers account as he gave it to me so im wonder how to get this rogue to pvp better with|||Level a rogue. That will teach you how to play one.

(Really, you've touched on two painful subjects transferral of accounts is prohibited by the TOS of the game, and not condoned. And two, as in several ongoing threads on the forum, please learn how to play your toon by...playing your toon. From the beginning. You want a pvp rogue? Start it from seed. It's in your best interest, honestly, because at level 80, all of those players who did start their own toons from the ground up, have been playing them for years, are going to eat your breakfast in pvp.)|||disregarding the fact that it isn't your own character, it sounds very like you're trying to play a PvP rogue as if it was PvE. they are 2 very different styles and require different tactics. as a rogue, if you stand infront of another player and try and burst them down, they'll beat you into a pulp (thats if they know what they're doing). you need to use your abilities to lock down a player for as long as possible while you kill them. the link below gives alot of information on this type of play.

without knowing your spec and gear, there isn't much more help I can give.|||Additionally, Subt Daggers has been long dead. It -might- make a comeback somewhat in 3.3.3, but even that I doubt.|||Thanks guys. and we live in the same household. Its not much of a problem.|||Quote:

Thanks guys. and we live in the same household. Its not much of a problem.

It is for anyone who groups with you ;)|||yeah i mean same comp same acc we just use different toons but when i use his i epicly fail. im sticking to my troll hunter :P

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