Saturday, April 14, 2012

PvP, still worth it?

[:1]Okay. So i've recently got an interest in playing World of Warcraft again. I have a level 80 deathknight, decent gear, and i'd used to be pretty decent at arena and general PvP combat. Looking into it before re-subscribing, I noticed that there were alot of changes that revolved around PvP. Now unsure if I should resubscribe, as I play for PvP (Casual PvE on the side).

Now I ask, would it be worth putting time into WoW for PVP, is PvP still decent (There will always be some unbalance) or is it just horrible, now? Thanks, and I look forward to your replies!|||Well...its not horrible but its not great. Warlocks and Death Knights seem to dominate the Battle Grounds and arena particularly really unbalanced especially the people who do it in PvE gear (11k chaos bolts ftw)....

I still prefer it over PvE though.|||No law against pvp'ing in your pve gear... used to do it all the time. :) But yeah, certain classes are dominating.|||I think it would be worth it to come back, makes it a little more challenging now that anyone can get pretty decent gear without any arena whatsoever, all they need is Triumph badges, havent really seen any specific class to completely dominate, some ret pallys and hunters and locks put up some decent numbers (but thats not unusual lately), my Furious/Relentless mage stays up there too..:P but the challenge is def there...|||From someone who does not do arena but will soon once I get a stable internet connection, and who does BGs frequently:

I still have lots of fun in PvP. The bursty style of WLK PvP is pretty annoying, it's all about burst these days. Blizzard has said that they acknowledge this as a mistake, and are designing Cataclysm such that players will have much more health in ratio to the amount of damage and healing being thrown around.

Balance is okay. I don't currently feel as though any particular class is way out of line or too powerful. In arena some classes/specs are definitely underperforming though, including Death Knights. For high rated arena, DKs are having issues, but for just BGs you can do fine and have fun, I play my DK in BGs and I have a blast.

I think you should get back into it for a while, and give it a try.|||I hate PvP once again. Just try and kill a Paladin on any spec. Locks are dumb too.

I haven't PvP in a few months now|||Quote:

I hate PvP once again. Just try and kill a Paladin on any spec. Locks are dumb too.

I haven't PvP in a few months now

If I may ask, what class/spec are you? Warlocks are a CC heavy class, which can make many players feel like we're cheaters, or OP. Pallies have that similarly due to all their ways of saving themselves from near death at the last second.

I can't speak for paladins, but if you find Warlocks overpowered, I can probably offer some advice for beating them, if you're interested in improving your game play.

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