Saturday, April 14, 2012

about pvp caps and about arena.

[:1]what need a pvp mage (for duels)? 6% hit, 120 spell penetration and 600 haste? but resilience?

I saw a guy asking arena boost, what mean that? other help you to get a rating to buy arena rewards? why i dont see often in trade chat these requests, i think is a important thing. Is like 250g a arena boost? and im noob about arenas, how much time or how many matches (wins) the team need?


what need a pvp mage (for duels)? 6% hit, 120 spell penetration and 600 haste? but resilience?

I saw a guy asking arena boost, what mean that? other help you to get a rating to buy arena rewards? why i dont see often in trade chat these requests, i think is a important thing. Is like 250g a arena boost? and im noob about arenas, how much time or how many matches (wins) the team need?


You have to be level 80 for a rated arena team anyway. And you don't need anything for duels...they're just for fun and learning, you get nothing more than rewards beyond that.|||Equal level mobs/players, you need 5% hit (excluding racials and talents for now).

130 Spell Penetration if you can find a Paladin/Priest/Shaman that can offer a resistancebuff, otherwise 75.

Resilience, as much as you can stack. 1k minimum for remotely enjoyable PvP currently.

As for boosts, they're to get you to the required rating for (weapons/shoulders/t2 weapons/some pvp honour gear). The price will depend on server, booster, class, gear, skill, team, team rating etc etc. In general, expect something far more hefty than the 250g you mentioned.

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