Saturday, April 14, 2012

lvl 50-60 pvp? artic valley's activity?

[:1]What server has lvl 50-60 players playing Alterac Valley?|||Quote:

What server has lvl 50-60 players playing artic valley?

Gonna guess you mean Alterac Valley....and I'm gonna say...every server?|||There's no Alterac Valley activity at Ah'n Qiraj these days.|||Quote:

There's no Alterac Valley activity at Ah'n Qiraj these days.

Alterac Valley is one of the old vanilla bgs. It will be equally unpopular, unless it happens to be its particular weekend or random. You're not going to find a server that oddly enough loves AV. And since BGs are now cross server, you're not only entering a battleground with your server group, you're entering a battleground with your battlegroup (a collection of multiple servers grouped to fill battlegrounds.) So it's not just Ah'n Qiraj. It's your whole battlegroup that isn't queuing for AV.|||Depends on your BG I suppose.

On my BG it's quite popular still (PvP servers rather than 'carebear', so that might make a difference). People are quite fond of leveling through AV as its XP gains are quite good, especially during the corresponding BG weekend. You might run into a healthy dose of Vanilla-only accounts though.|||Ok thank's.

I'm going to change server to some "PVP - population high" one. I quess there's some pvp activity for my lvl 60 character.|||Ah now, here's a question - have you suspended xp on this level 60 ? If you have that's probably why you're not getting a BG come up - you'll only get chucked in with others that have also stopped thier xp and there's probably just not enough of you to spawn.|||Quote:

Ah now, here's a question - have you suspended xp on this level 60 ? If you have that's probably why you're not getting a BG come up - you'll only get chucked in with others that have also stopped thier xp and there's probably just not enough of you to spawn.

To clarify that a bit:

There are seperate battleground for players that lock their xp. That way twinks (overpowered lower-level toons) don't dominate the battlegrounds that other players use for leveling.

I can only speak for lvl 19 twinks, but my experience is that it's impossible to enter a BG when you lock your experience.

I understood from others there there are servers where the twink population is a bit larger, but the one lv19 twinking guild I found told me that they were happy if they managed to enter 2 BGs per evening.

The only other reason (beside locking xp) for you to ask about lv50-60 Alterac Valley is if you haven't bought any expansions. In this case, if you do like PvP I suggest that you buy TBC and WotLK; 90%+ of all PvP takes place at level 80.

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