Saturday, April 14, 2012

Stories of PvP (On a global scale)

[:1]Haven't been here in a while (in fact I wasn't even sure I registered here) But the memories of my short presence here returned and now I'm back to ask a question,,,

What stories are out there of World PvP? It always seems like there is this lack of world PvP, an opportunity for those who dare but never accomplish. A few veterans claim that in the old days world PvP was common and fun. But I have never heard of any recent PvP events on such a large scale?

Care to share any such tales of glorious battles of immense scale between Horde and Alliance.|||In the good old days, we used to turn the ground between Tarren Mill and Southshore into a lag inducing bloodbath of cataclysmic proportions. Why? Well, because we could. Also good for inciting factional ill will... the Barov brothers. Weldon and Alexei could be counted on as fertile ground for gankage all around.|||<civilian> was the most scary tag around.

As to World PvP nowadays, it'll depend a lot on the server. Mine occasionally organises stuff, such as an invasion of Orgrimmar starting @ Ratchett, or the Battle for Stromgarde.|||Isn't there any guilds that wage active war on the opposite faction? I'm really looking for those types of stories.|||Quote:

Isn't there any guilds that wage active war on the opposite faction? I'm really looking for those types of stories.

While there are heavily pvp guilds out there (looking at you, Gorny), the days of World Pvp have faltered. The sites I mentioned were where it started, along with Crossroads, but nowadays, even if you have a group assaulting a capital, they'll meet limited resistance because most people think they're just in it for the mount and they'll go away after the leader is down. My last capital city spree didn't meet any real player resistance until Stormwind, our last stop. So we'd been at it for at least an hour and a half... plenty of warning for people to stand and be counted. We even did them in the commonly accepted order of attack to not throw them off of our trail.

My rabid anti factional leanings are really focused on only one person, my entire kill on sight list. (Poor guy. I still kinda feel sorry for him....kinda.)|||Damn, always thought (and still do) that wow had this awesome player driven action, where the players influence the amount of fun... not those damned raids on same boss every other night...|||I think the real point here is that players can do this still if they really wanted to. Weldon and Alexi Barov are still there. Crossroads is still there. Southshore and Tarren Mill are still there. (At least until Cata hits.) There could be a ton of player driven pvp action. So yes, we do influence it, completely.|||Well damn us for not making it more interesting!|||Quote:

Well damn us for not making it more interesting!

There's nothing stopping us. PVP servers are wide open domains. Even PVE servers have areas designed for this. Nothing prevents us from gaining a complete and total hatred for one single alliance paladin and then going after him with a single minded determination. (Poor. Poor. POOR guy.) And then spreading the love through four close guilds... (POOOOOOOOR guy.)|||there was a pretty nice raid on alliance cities on my server(kil'jaeden) a week ago. we started out with a few camping the portal in stormwind. some players just hearth to dal then take the portals and are still pvp enabled =D

and then when we got more people we went to iron forge and held it for more than an hour forcing alliance to travel to the other cities to do AH or bank.

eventually we wiped from alliance counter raid that came from both sides to the trade district and called it for the night.

*pix not taken by me

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