Monday, April 16, 2012

Which PVP Caster?

Hello, i'm coming back to WoW (i was never very high highest level was 30) but i was wondering which casting class, [Mage, Druid (i know not full casting class), Warlock, Shadow Priest] Not a Shaman well just because there not my type. was good at pvp. I realize that all classes will end up losing to other classes but like which casting class could take on the most classes. Also which classes are casting classes good against and what they are weak against? Thanks :)|||Shadow Priest level 49 is the best area suited for them, things will be different soon when they take twinks out.|||It depends on which bracket and what you want to do, but I'd say Warlocks are quite good for pure killing, they can be devestating. They make horrible flag runners though and they can't heal.

If you want to run flags, mage or druid may be nice.

If you want to heal: priest or shaman.|||Quote:

Hello, i'm coming back to WoW (i was never very high highest level was 30) but i was wondering which casting class, [Mage, Druid (i know not full casting class), Warlock, Shadow Priest] Not a Shaman well just because there not my type. was good at pvp. I realize that all classes will end up losing to other classes but like which casting class could take on the most classes. Also which classes are casting classes good against and what they are weak against? Thanks :)

Ok I know you said "Not a Shaman" but seriously give an Elemental Shammy a try. I have both mid 70's mage, lock, priest & shammy and the shammy is my favorite. I usually out dps mages and locks in a group and have given many horde a run for there money in PvP.|||Frost mages can wreak havoc in bgs and arenas.

Warlocks are fun if you like the feeling of being over powered, personally I leveled my lock to 61 and left him there, boring as hell.|||I'd go Frost Mage. I'm going to roll one soon and make it my new pvp alt. Just grab yourself a rogue friend and own everything (well most comps) in 2v2. I'd say they're weakness is DK's, like all casters, Warlocks and Ret Pallies smart enough to use Hand of Freedom.|||Yea. Me personally, Id go with a frost mage for PvP. I got a few 70+s I play at the moment, and it seems that in PvP, I am mostly only killed by frost mages. Im gonna roll one soon myself =D|||I been thinking about this one myself. I think u really have to take into consideration about all the meele classes out there (especially DK's and Pally's). So what class would keep them at bay?

So, I am thinking frost mage myself. You have a lot of tools to stay alive.

Hunter might not be bad, if u consider that a caster. It is ranged. Lot of tools too.

Lock, well I have an affliction one. He is still my favorite class to play so far, but when a Dk pulls you or a Pally keeps stunning you, it is a little tough. Plus it seems like there is a bunch of ways to get out of fear.

Elemental Shammy, you know guys I have not really see too many, but was doing a bg yesterday, and one was at the top in kills (never!!!!!!!!!! saw that before). The dude took me out in a few shots when he got the jump on me. Might Consider leveling one next. Only thing is I dont think they have a lot of CC's.

SP Priest, my buddy as one at 69 that he is leveling. He does ok with it, but has problems when the meele types get on him and he cant fear them. Oh, you could also think about Disc Priest. I was watching one dueling once and he was kicking butt, and I faced some at lower levels and u cannot kill them.

Moonkin, they hit hard, but not sure if they have a lot of escapes when meele guy on u. I have seen some do pretty good though.|||Arcane mage is the best.|||Arcane mages are freekills , 2-3 shotted by many classes ... BUT if arcmage gets the upper hand it wtfpwns evry class in the game with it huge burst abilitys.

My bet on the "best" caster is still a mage though ...but a frostie

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