Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Shaman Class in PvP...

[:1]1. This is NOT a "Omg QQ I lose so much to them." or a "Omg, they suck lolz." thread.

2. This is my opinion, as always.

I have noticed that usually people who dual-box (Or tri-box, or 4 or 5-box) tend to roll all Shaman. Why? The burst damage as Elemental is insane, and they have the ability to heal, while they also wear Mail and can wear a shield, which in PvP is a big advantage to have while not giving up anything. I've noticed in my little time in Arena (A couple months) that the dual-boxxers almost always seemed to be the Shaman class. I could NEVER win against them. In WG people die by the handful before we can even touch this 5-box Shaman group. If we have 10+ people on them, we usually are successful.

I know that boxxing is legal, and I'm fine with it... It's just I've seemed to also notice that the Shaman class seems to be fairly powerful when played correctly, even by itself. In PvE my Shaman is only 67 and I dual-specced him. Elemental+Resto.

I cannot seem to find too many flaws in my Shaman, honestly. I can deal around 1.3K-1.5K DPS (Sometimes more) as Elemental in groups(5-man), solo around 1K-1.2K. If I'm healing in groups, even with a bad tank that has crappy gear but can hold aggro, I will EASILY heal through it. I know this will change a little once I hit Northrend and do those instances, but I don't see how it will change much.

So, back to Arena, if there's a Shaman healer it's VERY difficult to get him down, even if he has less than 20K health and eh gear. Totems are easy to kill, but difficult to target (Even with the macro.) and will be even harder with the next coming patch.

I'm not going to drag it on too long, it's just that I feel people say the Shaman is much worse than it actually is, because although my Shaman isn't 80, I feel powerful even in just half decent gear for my level. That, and my friend has a Shaman and he had a 2K Arena rating or somewhere along there a few months ago until he quit for awhile...|||Quote:

because although my Shaman isn't 80

Shall we just stop it there?

Anyway, dual-boxers are annoying if you have no clue how to deal with them. Take out the lead-box and your problem is solved.|||Kind of funny how you just assume that I know nothing about it if I don't have an 80 Shaman. I have just about every class to 68+ now, with every class being at least level 64. I have played for 5 years nearly now and understand every class very well, it's not like I haven't done my research and don't check patch notes for EVERY class when a PTR comes up. I know my class, and I feel that was rude of you.|||And I feel your post is bovine manure, to be honest.

In the wild, classes have a different power curve. One need only take a look at which classes dominate lower level brackets. What you experience in your mid-60s or mid-70s is completely different from 80, where people are decked out in epics, resilience and finally have all abilities available to them.

Yes, burst damage on elementals is big. So is the burst of, say, Destro Warlocks, Feral Druids, Retadins, Arcane Mages, .. Resilience reduces burst as well, and 25k health will soak burst a lot better than 8k health will.

Yes, they wear mail - most classes have a slew of abilities that ignore armour.

The majority of Elemental damage is based on cast time - there's a ton of classes that bring with them Stuns of Interrupts.

Shaman healers are among the easier ones to take down, exactly because of the cast time again. They can't watershield tank classes for a while, and if they Earthshield tank they run oom faster than quite most other classes.

You have not played a Shaman at 80. You apparently barely fought Shamans at 80. Your friend hitting 2k with it is largely irrelevant. Every single class is represented in one way or another @ 2k. That doesn't mean they're suddenly powerhouses. It means your friend is good at people and found some people who are good too.

The fact that you state "I have every class @ 68+" means you simply are completely oblivious to the changes it brings once you do hit level 80 and and gear up. You wouldn't have even bothered to mention it otherwise.|||Considering I even said that on my DK in Arena they are nearly impossible to stop (Yes, I know what interrupts are.) I understand them at 80 and have played plenty with one and against one (Or two) so you're wrong there.

Yes, the burst damage is big, the cast times are fairly low. Everyone just about knows that Paladin's are plate wearing cannons that have a nuke in them aimed right at you, so... No point in really saying that a Paladin has high burst, we already knew that they're a bit too strong.

I also already said I have like, 22K HP with around 500 resil on my DK, sure, not the best... But I still am able to do a little bit with that, and at peak time when I fight equally geared people, Shaman in the group is automatic "Oh F***".

I didn't exactly say I have every class to 68+, but meh, moving past that... How am I oblivious to the changes? I'd say I'm fairly good at every class I've played, and I don't need to prove anything. You simply jumped up and went "Lulz dum poast! Time to trollz." and that's worse than anything.|||The Shaman class may not look terrible until you play it in PvP.

In PvE we are doing ok. Elemental is however lacking, enhance is fine, and resto is fine (though it's seen better days)

In PvP there is one term you must simply know. You can't do that while stunned.

You say that shamans get mail while they trade nothing in return. This is false. Mail and shields are garbage against melee classes at this day and age. Rogues and warriors can disarm your shield in the first place, and a lot of damage is static (ie: armor doesn't affect it). Melee tears through anything below plate very quickly (provided there isn't a huge gear gap favoring the mail user).

Resto is fine in PvP to be completely honest, it's not amazing, but it's not the bottom of the barrel (but kind of close). They have good escape mechanics, and don't die very easily.

Elemental has a talent to earthbind root them (trinket), frost shock (dispellable, many classes have -% chance to have spells hit them), and tstorm (which usually fails due to a pebble in the way)

Elemental shamans are not good at kiting, frost shock is a decent way to kite, but the class is probably going to catch you quickly. Rogues sprint (and CloS), warriors intercept, DK's DG or ghoul stun you. enhance shamans will frost shock root you. Feral druids feral charge you.

We have earthbind totem (and the talent to root), and we have stoneclaw totem (the glyph) to help run away. But it simply isn't enough. We just recently had some changes to ghost wolf, and wind shear change but it won't get us out of the woods.

We are terrible in 1v1, and only good if we can sit back and nuke. And unfortunately people know this and that's why they go for us quickly, it isn't hard to kill us, and they know we can do fairly nice damage.

Now on to your part about multi-boxing. Shamans are a great multi-boxing class (although I'd personally prefer 5 affliction locks >:] ), but this is a terrible comparison anyways. Who cares if 5 of any class can kill you, or disrupt an attack. That doesn't prove they're OP or balanced. That just proves that a monkey behind a keyboard can smash a button several times until someone dies.

Shamans also lack in another aspect. Our magic schools

Fire (FlS and LvB)

Frost (Frost shock)


Kick my LB and I can't heal. silence my heal and I can't dps. I can't even tstorm.

I can earthbind and try to run away with a frost shock. It'll probably be trinketed, or I'll be rooted, stunned, and it won't matter. Then add the fact that classes usually have multiple ways to silence and they can rotate it fairly well.

Shamans pale in comparison to most classes. We don't counter very well, and a shaman has to play perfectly to win. Most classes can make mistakes and recover. Shaman class is not one of them.|||I have to agree with everyone here m8. Shamans are a bit useless at pvp at the moment. In my main arena team (holy paladin fury warr) we hardly find any teams with shamans in them, and when we do it is cake to manage, e.g. all the warrior has to do is run around charge/intercept/hamstring etc etc until down, usually taking around 15 seconds. :/ They are only really viable i think for 5v5 as they have chain moves and totems. Just stick on your dk m8 until shaman becomes pvp playable again :L|||This seems like a good thread for a first post ;)

Im currently playing a Resto Shamsham in PVP, and find it incredibly rewarding.

Firstly, survivablility is immensly high, and we have many ablilites to help us stay on top of things in any situation.

Secondly, Shamans heal incredibly well in PVP with Riptide/Chainhealz and LHW, as well as many other ablilites to baff ap team mates.

I think its unfair to say that shammies suck in pvp (which is clearly the direction this thread is heading in), but i agree with a few of the issues raised here (stuns lol, i **** my pants when some rogue pops up outa nowhere).

I also think that to understand shaman pvp you have get one to 80, as said before.

cheerz guize

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