Saturday, April 14, 2012

Engineering items useful in PvP / Battleground?

[:1]I'm doing WSG BGs with a lvl 17 Rogue (lvl 165 engineering), and wonder which of the following items would be useful to have:

1. Goblin Jumper Cables

In WSG I'm guessing that resurrection isn't very useful.

2. Discombulator ray

Turns target into leper gnome, reducing damage and speed. Useful to slow flag carriers?

3. Explosive sheep

Runs to target and explodes for 150 dmg. That half the life of some enemy players. I'll definitely try this, if only because it will be fun.

4. Big Bronze Bomb or Portable Bronze Mortar

Throw/shoot for 100 dmg to 5 yard radius, incapacitates target. Hard to hit, but it's as a Rogue it's my only ranged attack. Also a nice diversion.

5. Target Dummy

To confuse/distract opponents?

Also, Which higher-level engineering items are useful for PvP?|||YES ...yesyes yesyes!

But not those particular items.

The most useful Engineering items for a Rogue are:

Goblin Land Mines - Useful for defending the Flag in WSG if you are on defense

Parachute Cloak - Useful in Arathi Basin.

Catseye Ultra Goggles - Stealth detection. Useful versus other Rogues and Druids.

Catch: you need to be atleast level 20 or better to obtain the skill needed to craft these, much better for the 29 twink Rogue.

There's a draw back to the sheep, it does not last that long, so if in WSG and you are will likely expire before it gets to blow up on somebody.

As for PvP there are alot of nice things that are of use:

Gnomish Cloaking Device

Various Mechanical Dragonlings (combat pets)

Flexweave Underlay(turns any cloak into a Parachute) - Some guns with +5 to agility (useful to you only if you have no other ranged weapon with + to agility)

Bombs and other explosives, Rocket Boots, then of course when you hit TBC content and WOTLK there are the Epic Engineering craftable helms which are equal to Tier level Epics.

There are also Engineering Specific things on WOTLK level Engineering that are pretty much Engineer only Enchants.

So yeah.|||Thanks for that list.

But what about the stuff I asked about? I'm still doing WSG 10-19; we'll get to 20-29 later. So the sheep aren't great - I'll make one anyway (not that I don't trust you, just want to try myself). And the other stuff? You say the bombs are useful, how?|||My personal opinion is no, but then again I 29 twinked and not 19.

Ok, of the top of my head:

1. Goblin Jumper Cables - Not useful because you et rezzed by the spirit healer. The only time you would use these is if someone died pretty much next to you. If that's the case, you're likely in combat already versus too many of he opposing faction to have the time to stop and rez your team mate. Not to mention the cool down time on those would make them less usefuland they have a 33% success rate. Lastly, you need a skill of 165 in Engineering to use them, this would require you to be a Master Engineer and be no lower than level 20.

so the Jumper cables are out for sure.


2. Discombulator ray

Requires Master Engineering to actually make and 160 skill to use. So it won't be of any use to you in the 10-19 WSG bracket.


3. Explosive sheep

Same comment as I talked about earlier, even though you can craft and use these, it might not be of much use - especially you consider the cost in mats to make them and if they don't do what they are supposed to do (expire before an opposing faction player comes anywhere near you) you're wasting your mats and money on these.


4. Big Bronze Bomb or Portable Bronze Mortar

The bombs are useable and are situational, I used to use bombs as a surprise in a fiht when I was close to death...I would drop one on my feet and blow up Alliance players as I died...occasionaly I killed one or two of them at the same time. Also, you won't stun them for long in most situations because in the middle of a fight...nearly everyone is getting hit with some attack. Still a nice bit of damage to add in an AoE attack.

The Bronze Mortar won't be of use to you because it requires 165 Engineering skill to use and to make it requires Expert Engineering, which means you cannot make one before level 20.

Last, the target dummy.

Don't even bother with it.

The reason is that in WSG there are no NPCs. Everyone playing will see it and disregard it.

A Traget Dummy attracts nearby monsters to it, since you're playing against people...they will see:

rocking back and forth as it waves it's hand, and run right past it and lolz at you before they killz youz.|||Does any of the engineering stuff work in arena? I was thinking rocket boots and the gloves with the rocket launchers on them would be useful. I see a lot of people who do arena have them on there equipment, but was thinking it might just be fore the stats (are they really better than enchants?). Thanks.

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