Saturday, April 14, 2012

Question for the HARDCORE PvP lovers

[:1]If you are not a hardcore pvp lover aka don't do much pve and spend 95% of your time in pve just click the back button right now! PvP Lovers only!


Well, <3 hello my fellow pvpers. I have a couple of questions to go out to the PROS who know how to pvp, of any class, whom spend most of their time in the bgs. I havent played this game at all post BC and am looking to make a comeback.


1) I was a warrior in bc that was well geared and pwned face in 1vs1 against any class. Everyone back on my server back in the day KNEW who I was, no one ever msg'd me for PvE..everyone knew I was all about the bg's. In bc locks and mages were "hard" for warriors but the amount of time I spent pvping everything was just a free honor kill for me (unless they were the de-la-crop old timers that knew what they were doing because I sure as hell was...yes even against droodz)..

how do you fare against GOOD warriors in 1vs1 today?

2) I was interested in making a comeback for a long time now, but whenever I visit blizzard's PvP forums or the warrior forum, all I read is how the class sucks in 1vs1 now, how warriors "had their time" and how other classes are way ahead. (ret pallys and death knights are better in 1vs1 now against a pro warrior lul?) Is this true in terms of bg and 1vs1 pvp play against a veteran warrior? Btw i dont even know what the death knight is thats how long its been.

Does this class really suck THAT BAD from what I hear in this new expansion pack in 1vs1?

I dont want to hear ..well warriors dont suck but theyre not like they used to be. Basically in the hands of a vet, can they still kick butt? Or are the class restrictions just THAT hardcore; that even a war that knows what he's doing cant really succeed much now?


I quit this game a year+ ago (season3 arena of BC) because I disliked arenas, vent, getting stressed out over my teamates in 5's and 3's/2's..and I was a soloist at heart; hated teamwork. It burned me out in the end, and playing arena 1,000,000 times made me bored of the game having to deal with teamates, the same damn tiny arena maps, facing the same class combos in the upper ratings..etc..

Yes, I know its all bout' teamwork now and even during bc. Blizz pushes you to teamwork to get the best items for pvp. But for a guy that me that wants to do a splash of arenas for your basic armor set and an EXTREMELY small time spent in it worth the comeback?

Thanks guys.|||Quote:

If you are not a hardcore pvp lover aka don't do much pve and spend 95% of your time in pve just click the back button right now! PvP Lovers only!


Well, <3 hello my fellow pvpers. I have a couple of questions to go out to the PROS who know how to pvp, of any class, whom spend most of their time in the bgs. I havent played this game at all post BC and am looking to make a comeback.


1) I was a warrior in bc that was well geared and pwned face in 1vs1 against any class. Everyone back on my server back in the day KNEW who I was, no one ever msg'd me for PvE..everyone knew I was all about the bg's. In bc locks and mages were "hard" for warriors but the amount of time I spent pvping everything was just a free honor kill for me (unless they were the de-la-crop old timers that knew what they were doing because I sure as hell was...yes even against droodz)..

how do you fare against GOOD warriors in 1vs1 today?

2) I was interested in making a comeback for a long time now, but whenever I visit blizzard's PvP forums or the warrior forum, all I read is how the class sucks in 1vs1 now, how warriors "had their time" and how other classes are way ahead. (ret pallys and death knights are better in 1vs1 now against a pro warrior lul?) Is this true in terms of bg and 1vs1 pvp play against a veteran warrior? Btw i dont even know what the death knight is thats how long its been.

Does this class really suck THAT BAD from what I hear in this new expansion pack in 1vs1?

I dont want to hear ..well warriors dont suck but theyre not like they used to be. Basically in the hands of a vet, can they still kick butt? Or are the class restrictions just THAT hardcore; that even a war that knows what he's doing cant really succeed much now?


I quit this game a year+ ago (season3 arena of BC) because I disliked arenas, vent, getting stressed out over my teamates in 5's and 3's/2's..and I was a soloist at heart; hated teamwork. It burned me out in the end, and playing arena 1,000,000 times made me bored of the game having to deal with teamates, the same damn tiny arena maps, facing the same class combos in the upper ratings..etc..

Yes, I know its all bout' teamwork now and even during bc. Blizz pushes you to teamwork to get the best items for pvp. But for a guy that me that wants to do a splash of arenas for your basic armor set and an EXTREMELY small time spent in it worth the comeback?

Thanks guys.

1. Never. Ever. Listen to the official class forums for anything. They are filled with an amazing bunch of qq. I suggest another website, Arena Junkies, (I've looked at it several times and seen no gold seller ads. If I'm wrong, just yell, and I'll remove the reference) to check the actual stastical breakdowns of this class versus that class when handled by a competent player. I have heard only good things about pvp warriors, and, quite bluntly if that is the class you love and are best at, then it's the class you should pvp on. Period.|||Every single class is represented @ 2k+. Even Hunters.|||Yes. Wow is a bit more balanced now than BC i say, Yes theres much Burst but theres much healing too...

Warriors are in a good or very well state now, They are really good represented in Arena and always helpfull in any combo for 2vs/3vs/5vs5 because the MS effect and Warrior's burst

Dont check Wow official pvp site, its full of 12 years old people crying for everything ..

In my opinion Warrior is a good choice for a pvp player

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