Saturday, April 14, 2012

Horde or Alliance?

[:1]Now when it comes to the battle grounds the horde win just about time. Now from what i've herd for other people its the other way around. Plz tell me that the sever i'm on is the only one like this.|||Do you happen to be on Eonar or Ahn'Quiraj(sp?)?

If you do, then you share my pain. My server seems to be the complete opposite of what I see people talk...

Horde wins BG 80% of the time. (Just about every time there are no twinks for ally)

Horde seem to be the 'jackasses' who corpse camp etc. and claim the 'worse side' prize.

The server is not full of NE hunters...its full of UD priests! I mean, I play alliance, specificly Night Elf, and I see pretty much more enemy priests than friendly hunters.|||I happen to be in either of thoes severs. The sever im in is Sargeras and the odds of winning in WSG is 1 /6 AB 1/12 and AV we have never have won once that ive herd of. Sadding|||on Aggramar the Horde wins the 10-49 bg's 80%+ it seems.

had a few BGs i was in with my 19 lock and we won 4 in a row...not sure how but we did, had 4 twinks though. :) in one of the BG"s i had 119 hk's with him|||And after all this, how the heck do some people still talk about how the horde seems to be the losing side and stuff...?|||Quote:

And after all this, how the heck do some people still talk about how the horde seems to be the losing side and stuff...?

It is not that we believe we are the "losing" side per se, just that we (the Horde) received the raw end of the deal when we were given leveling zones. Have you been to the Barrens or 1k Needles? They're not called those things for grins and giggles.

Horde have had a much harsher upbringing than their Alliance counterparts and thus are known to bond together and listen to coherent leaders when it comes to BG conquest. From my limited experience with the Alliance I can say that the fair-haired humanoids lack decent leaders when it comes to PUGs in the BGs.

There are always exceptions to this however, and I don't mean to categorize the Alliance as a whole (no matter how small or dorky or possibly akward they may be).|||I agree with you GlowSticky. Every time i go to BG(Alliance)we have no order no offence no defence or any plan. They just all zerg. But when i play as my Hord they normally form some sort plan and are much more organized then the Alliance are.|||I agree also ....we (Alliance) have way too many 14 year old NELF Hunters who dont listen to anything ...and suddenly disapear when mom calls them to dinner|||wel evry time iv dun pvp we hav our wins n they hav thers|||Quote:

wel evry time iv dun pvp we hav our wins n they hav thers


sucks being in 40-49 wsg with my 42 hunter...and we are all spread out while the horde is grouped together and as a team rushes the base takes the flag and returns it...or they go around in groups of 4 and pick us off one by one

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