Saturday, April 14, 2012

Old School WoW player help with PvP armor

[:1]I haven't played WoW for around 5 years so bare with me for a second :). I'm used to the honor system back in the day where you fight for your rank (Champion, Warlord etc) but now I see that has nothing to do with the system at all and how to get your gear.

I'm very confused with the PvP armor progression. My ultimate question is, what is the natural progression of PvP gear when you are lvl 80? What armor sets can you buy strictly from honor points? What armor sets do you get after your initial blue set?

For example, I plan to get a druid to 80, what PvP armor sets for a feral druid would I get to start and then improve upon?

I'm very sorry if there is a post that answers this question, and if there is please point me in the right direciton! Thanks!|||There's a current set you can get for Arena points & an Arena rating.

Currently it's the Wrathful set.

Then there's last season's set (Relentless), which merely requires arena points to obtain (previously required a lower rating than the current season, but that's been dropped).

Finally, there's the Furious set, which was the season before Relentless. These are available for Honour from a vendor, or for Emblems of Triumph (gained from doing Heroics).)

I don't expect this to change anytime soon, but if there was to be a new season, the Relentless set would move down to being Honour bought. Looks like this is going to be the last season of the expansion though.

Oh, as an addendum, you might get lucky in the Azeroth Lottery (or the Vault of Archavon as it's more commonly known). The bosses there can drop either PvE or PvP gear.|||he means ONLY BG not ARENA!!! well... I was a 60 and I know what you mean Sir. I quit at lvl70 (comp issues)... you can obtain epic gear that falls after the Arena gets upgraded, so Arena Players can have one tier graeter than yours, but as the tier of Arena goes up, BG Honor is able to obtain the previous Arena Gear, and the bracers, rings, necks, trinkets, and things not included in the Arena Sets stay for Honor (and Honor Kills). I obtained the blue lvl70pvp set and got the bracers and stuff of higher tier, once I enchanted my bling, I could take down 'unenchanted' Arena Players. Basically, if you don't care about enchanting top enchants on lesser tier, than all is okay :) In oldschool terms, when Wrath comes out, pvp honor get Might... but it always starts with valor... you get that? if 'dreadnaught' came out, that would be Arena Gear, and pvp honor would get Wrath... but the bracers and stuff don't matter... and if you achieve great reputation and play to raise rep for epic high-end trinkets, rings and things, you can obtain 50/50 top end gear to normal gear... concider that those who raid don't have time to grind rep (only out of instances) and those who do Arena don't really have time eaither... they all need to keep rank up or guild status, going from highest instances to ranks (Gladiators, etc.) so the average pvp grinder can grind rep and take up all his playtime, grind pvp / grind rep... eventually by the gear tier ratio, you can have 'not-so-good' armor set from honor, but high end great gear from reputaions exalted!!! your armor set will be lower than Arena by one tier, but your bracers, rings, trinkets (and enchants) will be the same... and here's the thing... if you focus on reputaions and honor grinding and manage to get up their in the verge of it all, you might come across an Arena Player (in a BG) with a full Arena Set... but not all the rings, trinkets, bracers or enchants yet... thinking they're top notch... but if you have all the top tier rings, trinkets, necks, bracers, and some highest end weapon from reputaion, your tier rank will balance out to rival an Arena Player w/o epic rep items or high tier bracers, neck, rings and trinkets. What I done was grind pvp off peak hour and when Arena Players came into play in BG's (or raiders) I went off to grind 'world' reputaions. Point is, if Guiders raise instances progress and Arena raise Rank/Tier progress... you focus on reputaion that they can't solo into when you can, cause their 'new gear' keeps them focused away from the fieilds of rep grinding and honor grinding... so... buff yourself up and you can still have top gear, and you'll discover this when your grinding top level areas in honor gear and exalted items jsut as good as top end raiders or Arena Players... then you grind for gold for more enchants next time your gear upgrades by defult tier under the Arena... (oh, and you can earn Arena Points in BG's now... so you don't even have to do Arena to obtain points, and you can solo play into some great gear!!)|||The best way to look at Wow (if you can't hook into high end guilds or obtain an arena group) is to no longer compare yourself to Guilds and Arena Players... just focus on the World Mobs, beat them... reps and stuff become easy... soon those top end raiders and arena players WILL BE buying YOUR items/mats on the AH (for enchants).. it all balances out, raiders depend on the tier, arena players depend on their teams... but honor/rep grinders only depend on themselves... then raiders and arena players depend on you to be putting top end mats on the AH... and eventually... you'll make a perfect (DPS) recruit (once you're ready) to a top end guild... what goes around, comes around! Karam is a big thing in WoW!... simple analysis to me. Guilds need Guild Progress, Arena Teams need good teams, they both need high end enchants... so grind honor/rep items to blast through world mobs for high end mats and you realize that honor/rep grinders need the AH, and also need those nasty Guild Raiders and Arena Teams to 'stay out' of your local grinding places... thus a stable balance exists!!! just study the players, mobs, the world of warcraft... things begin to happen... like a high end raiders in the latest tier asking you "How do you take down these mobs?" or stuff like "Where is... How can I..." and you have your glory!!! they know instances that they can't solo, arena players know pvp they can't solo... you know world mobs better than they do, and are more self-reliant... but then dependancy comes back... honor/reputaion grinders need the high end guilds to obtain the top end (epic) enchants and crafting skills. simple!|||FuryBG, really

I am NOT reading your "wall of text"s|||^this .|||Quote:

^this .

Please dont necro 5 months old threads without adding new information.

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