Monday, April 16, 2012

most powerfull 39 twink class?

Here's a question for a dedicated twinker: What class is currently the most powerful in the 39 bracket, when the best gear available is used and the strongest spec? Powerful meaning succesfully taking on any opponent and winning vs 3+ normal opponents. I have a 39 twink afli-warlock, with gear setup much like the one Kerosene has posted elsewhere. Unfortunately with the recent patches, my lock has lost punch, and even though I can still win almost every 1-on-1 and most 1-on-3, Im wondering what you guys think is the best twink class.

Rogues have always been strong, and even though I havent seen a single twink enhance shammy in the 39 bgs, Im guessing they most be one of the best classes. My list is as follows:

1. Paladin (ret spec). Due to latest changes

2. Shaman (enhance or possibly elem). Based on various videos on youtube

3. Rogue (spec?)

4. Warlock (afli spec isnt as powerful anymore, or this would be #1. Rogues now have it a lot easier vs locks)

5. Hunter (Marksmanship)

6. Mage (losing sp and sta from leg-enchant after patch change didnt help this hardhitting but squishy class)

7. Druid (feral is probably best spec atm, although not as powerful as rogue or pally)

8. Priest (like other casting classes losing sp and sta from enchant, made priest less of an option).

The reason why I don't consider healing specs, is that although very good in a duel, it takes too long to kill opponents, and in WSG or AB you just don't have the time before adds. All in all losing enchants after nerf made caster classes hurt most imo, because the extra sta made them able cope with heavy damage and avoid getting one-shotted.

Im currently leveling a 39 enh shammy cause I liked what I saw on youtube, but Im guessing even with the best gear I will struggle vs good paladins.

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