Blizzard Quote: (Source)
The newest season of Arena gear can only be purchased if you meet the requirements with your 3 or 5 player team rating. Rating requirements from 2 player teams can still be used to purchase the previous season of gear.
This new change to Arena rewards seems quite harsh. Not being much of an Arena player myself, this doesn't affect me but I can imagine quite a few people are frustrated with this move. I wouldn't even be surprised if Blizzard go back on their decision.
What does everyone else think of this change?|||It isn't any more harsh than the nerfs to PvE in an attempt to balance arena.|||for every rogue or arms warrior that ever told a feral druid or enhancement shaman to 'L2Spec resto' (so they would have less melee competition and more available healers). All I can say to you now is HAH hah! L2Spec fan of Knives and play fives.
hey that rhymes :D
edit - must be awful to be forced into a playstyle you don't enjoy just to be competitive enough to get gear, I feel so bad for you.|||I suppose the reasoning is that alot of players were getting S6 Furious weapons by simply playing a OP comp in 2s and thusly suceeded in other teams.
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