Monday, April 16, 2012

lvl 59 resto druid twink

Had this character at lvl 52 and I'd thought about taking it to 70, but with the amount of time I'm playing these days I'd rather just have a twink that I can pick up when I want and not worry about keeping up with the ever-increasing gear requirements at lvl 80.

Just a few questions for you guys:

1. Is there a decent twink group at 59? I'm not looking for the numbers you find at 19 or even 39, but I was hoping it would be fairly comperable to when I twinked at 49 (i.e. a lot of people just playing as they pass through, but a significant group of well twinked individuals and guilds on each side to make things fun)

2. Is tree of life worth it at all in PvP? It definitely wasn't when I left, but if I'm reading right it looks like they got rid of the constant 20% snare and gave the option to get a little armor boost as well. With those changes I thought it might be situationally useful as long as I was careful around warlocks (and even then a 12 second banish isn't the worst thing in the world)

3. Thottbot is telling me there's no decent leather caster gear in the 55-59 range which I find kind of hard to believe, but if true that would suck big monkeyballs. Am I just doing it wrong (the searching) or are leather wearing casters (let's see there's druids annnnnd there's... ummm...) just screwed in this bracket? I guess I could wear cloth, but one of the things that was really nice about the druid was being able to shift to bear and getting a nice 50% melee damage mitigation, even before barkskin, etc.

4. RU WANT MIRRION HAALTHPOINT?|||It seems twinks will be out of the game sometime after the expansion comes out, so... Enjoy it while it lasts.|||Quote:

It seems twinks will be out of the game sometime after the expansion comes out, so... Enjoy it while it lasts.


Are they implementing some kind of forced exp gain in the BG's? Link? Beuller?|||It was on this site, I don't have a link directly on me but you can find it in the news somewhere... It was directly from a blue saying that "We will one day in the future add experience to battlegrounds on the amount of effort you put into it. This will most likely be implimented some time after Wrath of the Lich King is released."|||I believe it was more along the lines of, 'we want to allow you to be able to earn experience in Battlegrounds and we would like to ensure the rewards are tied to your performance/ level of involvement in the battle' so nope, they haven't said 'you will gain exp wether you like it or not by simply taking part' just yet.

Blizzard will do what keeps the most people subscribing *shrug*|||Oh and yes there is no Azerothian balance leather in that range, I remember a Balance druid of my acquaintance being rather peeved at that. Entry level Outland quests/green drops perhaps.|||In my experience this bracket doesn't have a lot of twinks (51-60 in AV and 50-59 in WSG/AB?). I've used them to gather marks for honor and gear later on as it tends to be a bit easier than the real twink brackets or the 70 BGs with a fresh char.

Outlands greens and whatever you can equip from the early TBC instances would be the way to go as stamina costs half as much on those items in terms of itemvalue. The old raidgear will have a level 60 requirement anyway.

About the twink thing. They want to implement the ability to gain XP while doing PvP at some point, but it's not right aorund the corner. It was said at the PvP panel on this years Blizzcon. They haven't said anything about if you will be able to chose to gain XP or not, but I'm guessing the same will go for everyone if they add it (everyone gets xp).

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