Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hit vs. Spell Power

[:1]I am going to hit 80 with my main very soon and as I don't have a lot of time to do a bunch of raids I thought I would start to level another one of my alts.

I am sitting on a 49 Mage that I have been leveling as Frost. She is currently at +294 sp (no BoA items) but only has a hit of 10 and crit of 5.26%. What is my hit rating supposed to be? Everything I have done to this point has been to increase my SP so if I start moving things around to gain hit I'll loose SP. How much can I sacrifice before it becomes an issue?|||I wouldnt worry too much about hit rating until you hit 80. whilst its nice to be able to hit more often, whilst lvling, I would always pick spell power over hit. maybe personal preference.. just imo.|||Yep, u dont need hit at low lvl, not even till 70, u wont miss that Much

Hit rating is a must at raids( 80 ) lvl as u fight agaisnt 83 lvl elites, Thats why u need much hit

Just aim for as much spellpower u can :)|||Dont worry about hit until 80. Then you'll want to hit the cap for whatever you're doing (pve or pvp).|||Go for the Spell Power..

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