Saturday, April 14, 2012

10 PvP WoW Questions!

[:1]Let me start off by saying, I am a WoW noob. I have not played this game much, but I am in need of help.

I have been trying to get someone to work with me personally, but due to the fact everyone thinks I am trying to scam them.. I am not going to, unless someone still wants to.

I have really nothing else to post about in these WoW forums as I do not even have an active WoW membership at this point (although I may be getting one soon)

I mainly play FPS/RTS and WoW just simply isn't for me. However, I respect WoW players and all fellow gamers alike, videogames rule!

Anyway, I am going to post the1 10 questions I have below. Everyone feel free to answer them.

If you only want to answer one of them, thats fine, at this point any information I can get would be nice.

I do understand most Wow terminology, but if there is something you think I would not know, please post in parthenseses.

Ex. Mob (group of a enemies)

Here is what I understand about the WoW PvP and let me know if I am wrong..

1. There is battlegrounds and there is Wow PvP servers where players can PvP.

2. Players can PvP anywhere and anyone if they are "flagged".

3. There is different types of PvP, although I am not sure I understand them.

4. And just to clarify, I do know about different classes, how gold works, etc, I know a decent amount about how PvE works in WoW as well as the normal gameplay.

Again, sorry to everyone who thinks I am scammer/spammer, but as I am working on this large project (a website, I am a PHP programmer),

I wish I could get on WoW and level up and learn the PvP system myself, but as I do not have a WoW account and do not plan on

at least getting one then leveling so high up to be able to PvP correctly. I simply do not have the time.

Maybe I can clear things up further by saying I'd like to add a WoW PvP aspect to a online videogaming website I already have in the works.

Here are the questions! I cut a lot of them out and tried to condense them so that people may answer. Any help at all, even just one question, helps me a lot!

Question 1: How many players do you think play PvP on WoW? (A percentage or number works here.)

Question 2: In WoW, what is a players main objective, besides leveling themselves and getting the best gear. After they do that, do players tend to turn to PvP to further "prove" themselves?

Question 3: How does the PvP system work? What are the battle grounds? How do specific PvP servers work? I know how different MMORPGs handle PvP, but not WoW.

Question 4: What is the ranking system for PvP like in WoW?

Question 5: I read about rewards, are they worth doing PvP for or do more people do it for prestiege?

Question 6: Is there 1v1, and team PvP only? This relates to the ranking system, is there a ranking system for team PvP and for 1v1 PvP. Or does it all tie in together somehow?

I really have no idea how this ranking system works.

Question 7: I read that Blizzard held a PvP tourney last spring, was it popular? Did people have to pay to play? Did anyone win real money?

Question 8: Is it possible, for a player, or group of players, to meet on WoW at a specific time during the day and PvP. I do understand the server restrictions, so if someone could not play

another team due the the fact they were on a different server, can they meet on a PvP server. Or does everyone HAVE to be on the same server to PvP.

Question 9: What are your thoughts on the PvP system in WoW? Rate 1-10. What do you love/hate about it?

Question 10: Does the PvP system that blizzard sastify the average PvPers needs? For instance, would it be nice to have a place where certain magic/skills was not allowed to use in gameplay. Or other

"rules" that Blizzard either does not enforce, or can not enforce. Would PvP be more enjoyable if it was more versitile?

Okay that is it for now, I still need more questions answered, but this will work for now!

I am still looking for a PvP Guide and personal in-game WoW aide for this project, so please contact me if you are interested.

Thanks in advance to everyone for their time and I will checking this thread often!

-Omni|||1. There is battlegrounds and there is Wow PvP servers where players can PvP.


2. Players can PvP anywhere and anyone if they are "flagged".

on PVP servers players can engage in PvP in any contested zone regardless if they are flagged or not, if your in a enemy zone they you cant attack them until they attack you, if they are in a zone owned by your faction then they cant attack you until you attack them

3. There is different types of PvP, although I am not sure I understand them.

There is Battleground PvP, (mass group battles), Arena PvP (Team battles) and World PvP (PvP that dosnt take place in a BG or Arena).

4. And just to clarify, I do know about different classes, how gold works, etc, I know a decent amount about how PvE works in WoW as well as the normal gameplay.


Question 1: How many players do you think play PvP on WoW? (A percentage or number works here.)

Kinda hard to give a number it could be almost any %

Question 2: In WoW, what is a players main objective, besides leveling themselves and getting the best gear. After they do that, do players tend to turn to PvP to further "prove" themselves?

It all depends in the player, some players are purely PvP and thats all they do, others like myself are interested in End Game trying to complete as much of the game as possible its totally dependent on the player

Question 3: How does the PvP system work? What are the battle grounds? How do specific PvP servers work? I know how different MMORPGs handle PvP, but not WoW.

Im not entirely sure i know hwo to answer this one so imma skip it :D

Question 4: What is the ranking system for PvP like in WoW?

There are numerous ranking systems, you got the old PvP Ranks (Grand Marshal etc) but they are feat of skills now) then you got the Arena Titles but you only get those for being the best team in a specific season, then there is the Achievement System, the more Achievement Points the more of the game you've completed.

Question 5: I read about rewards, are they worth doing PvP for or do more people do it for prestiege?

Some of the rewards are worth it, some people do it just to say they've done it yes but most time noone does anything unless there's a reason to do it.

Question 6: Is there 1v1, and team PvP only? This relates to the ranking system, is there a ranking system for team PvP and for 1v1 PvP. Or does it all tie in together somehow?

I really have no idea how this ranking system works.

with PvP, the Battlegrounds go from 10v10 (WSG) to 40v40 (AV), the Arenas go from 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 (but 2v2 has been taken out of rankings), 1v1 is more a world PvP thing (sometimes lol) and everytime you kill a enemy player that's around your level you get Honor.

Question 7: I read that Blizzard held a PvP tourney last spring, was it popular? Did people have to pay to play? Did anyone win real money?

Only the elite PvPers enter those things and yes they win real money i think the winners for something like $200,000 not too sure though im not a PvPer.

Question 8: Is it possible, for a player, or group of players, to meet on WoW at a specific time during the day and PvP. I do understand the server restrictions, so if someone could not play

another team due the the fact they were on a different server, can they meet on a PvP server. Or does everyone HAVE to be on the same server to PvP.

WoW has Cross Realm PvP, you can join a queue as either a individual or as a group and (for BGs) you will be placed with other players from across the servers that are on your battle group, same for Arenas except you can only sign up for a 2v2/3v3/5v5 if you have a team of those numbers and then you will fight another team from your battle group.

Question 9: What are your thoughts on the PvP system in WoW? Rate 1-10. What do you love/hate about it?

Id say a 7 but i dont PvP so i can hardly judge :D

Question 10: Does the PvP system that blizzard satisfy the average PvPers needs? For instance, would it be nice to have a place where certain magic/skills was not allowed to use in gameplay. Or other

"rules" that Blizzard either does not enforce, or can not enforce. Would PvP be more enjoyable if it was more versitile?

Skip|||Thank you very much for the response. :)|||I'm confused. On one hand you say that you are a solo fps/rts player and that wow is not for you. Okay, that's fine, gotcha. That's what warcraft is for...

On the other hand, you say you need help, want personal aid, have several wow based pvp questions...? I got lost in between these two points.

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