Thursday, April 12, 2012

Why people complain on a pvp server

[:1]You know I moved over to a pvp server recently and honestly it's refreshing to xp knowing that at any moment a level 80 could run by me and roll me. It's equally refreshing doing the same to some unsuspecting player or one better fighting a big battle becasue of it.

What I don't get in wow is why do people ***** about dieing in wow? You lose nothing in the game if you die besides a few moments of time. In other games you could lose xp, gear, etc.

I could go afk in the middle of a mob table and not worry one ounce because if I come back 2 hours later I'll either be dead with a short run back to my body or alive and ready to kick ass.

That being said why do people cry so much in wow when they die in pvp?|||multi #2|||The reason is usually: Grief.

I play this game for fun, but I have a few characters on a PvP realm. If I'm playing this game for fun, and someone who's a far higher level/geared much better than I am, and they insist on killing me multiple times, am I just going to go "Oh, you!" and log for 15-30 minutes? No. I'm going to get pissed off and go "WTF, GO AWAY NOOB ALLIANCE, JESUS!" and rage quite a bit.

Again, I know I'm on a PvP realm, and I get what the point is... I'm fine with "if it's red, it's dead." and all that. I'm not fine with "KILL, CORPSE CAMP, KILL, CORPSE CAMP, KILL, CORPSE CAMP." for 15+ minutes (One time a guy did that, I logged out for an hour, came back, he was still there.) it's not really fun.|||Because, clearly, when we screw up, it's always someone else's fault.

In this specific case, the screw up was rolling on the wrong server type.|||I can only think this is the reason. I mean Since i have been on a pvp server maybe twice did I get killed by a level 80 on my level 66 and that's because I attacked him. After two deaths I ran back to my body and just ninja'd my way out via mount.

I think a lot of time it is incompetence that makes people crazy and rage out myself.|||Just depends on the situation. With low-level characters, it's the feeling of getting embarrassed and the player can't do anything to remedy that unless the player have good solutions around him/her (friends, counter-ganking people, getting on to main toon, etc.).

For 80s, the player would punish him/herself for not killing the opposition quicker, taking out a certain person first, escaping from the opposition, or not ganking/counter-ganking properly. Even more so if the said player couldn't kill any of them at the moment and/or skilled.

From what I can tell, most players would be upset from PvP since they didn't accomplish the feeling of taking down their opposition or surviving from them.|||lol i find pvp surveys realistic i think the game should only run on pvp

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