Monday, April 16, 2012

twink priests

hi all. i know the general reply im going to get with regards to a lvl 19 twink priest (1,not good!! 2,will get 2 shotted by a rogue!! 3,no good toys yet!! etc) however anyone who is in to twinking and has seen a properly twinked priest will know that 1, they are extremely good at either carrying the flag as they have bubble and HOT and can fear!!(anoying as hell) or at holding the midfield as they can put there DOT on all that are feared and keep using there 29.0 dps wand to own non twinks!! 2,they are impossible to 2 shot (500 ambush crit and 300 sinsterstrike crit with firey weapon on both = 900 damage so even with my personal best crits at 19 this is imposible as priests can have 1.3k hp)

3, no propper toys yet hmm... yes i would agree here but neither do any of the other classes (i no i have a uber twink rogue exhalted and there is no stunlock available!!! all the replies i may get are thus covered by myself

i would just simply like to know the build of an ALIANCE lvl 19 twink priest as all i can find is horde builds (i no alot of same gear but i want exacts)

any info on enchants to chest and bracers would also be apreciated (iv got the rest sorted in my head) cheers for reading this and i will await your replies TY!!!

perfectbody lvl 19 twink rogue runetotem server (GM of canttouch)

ps. The exhalted tabbard looks AWSOME!!!!!!!|||Bare with me here for a second and I'll get to what you want to know. This largely depends on what you want to do with your twink.....heal? Hell yes. Group dps? I've topped kill charts next to other twinks wanding and SW:P with my priest. But never a fully DECKED twink. The twinks that drop 300g are beatable on charts with a priest. The ones that drop a 1000g aren't.

So don't roll one with the thought of being a dps machine. You'll be a healer. And with the next next patch comming out bgs will give you a "gear and enchant" rating of sorts and match you with equal opponents (ie: other twinks) you'll get very few kills.

Now, if you truly still have wistful fantasies of being a dps machine 19 priest I HIGHLY recommend you roll an undead priest. I say this from experience....I have 3 twinks in the 10-19 bracket. A semi-twinked war, and a fully twinked (into the 1000s of g) rogue and priest. My rogue chews through alliance priests....I don't say this to isn't just me but all rogues. One word, WoTF. I'm sword and I SS crit for 250 (agi enchants not fiery) and have a high crit chance...your shields, HoT and a potion will keep you alive for maybe 1.5x as long as it would take me to kill a twink warlock or mage that was failing to kite or fear me.

Average fight against a priest = sap....wait for shield to drop.....begin spamming SS and auto-attacking....hit Slice and Dice....SS again....kick any heals....somewhere in here the priest will hit their scream....usually as soon as you break sap....I'm always waiting for it with a finger over my WoTF bind. Most priests don't even get out of my range before I break it. I don't require a stunlock to beat you. If sprint is up a priests attempts to beat any rogue are even more laughable, if not impossible. Your rogue is either poorly geared or you can't play it. Same story with a hunter. Concussive you to keep you at range and you'll never get your fear off. You'll get kited to death. If you try to outdps him, you will fail, and he will interrupt your heals. Non-twinks you will tear to death as effectively (if not more effectively) than twinks - but their numbers are dwindling.

I've never had a priest (that doesn't flat out run) survive to throw up more than 2 shields and that many HoTs. On my priest I can usually take an alliance rogue that isn't quick to trinket (almost all of them sadly) provided they have under 1100ish hp. If they're quick to trinket, its over. If they are heavily twinked or gouge me and bandage.....or use a pot, I lose. Simple. Unavoidable. Sticking in a group is the only way to get HKs. You'll never solo other twinks. And you'll NEVER EVER flag run. One hunter, druid, or rogue with sprint up and you lose.

PS: The reason I geared most of that towards rogues is because these days the average game I play contains 3-5 twink rogues. Seriously.

The answer? Heal or roll a horde priest. If you want to heal I'd probably recommend a druid....rooting owns rogues at level 19.

Still determined? Go to http://**********.net and search for 19/priest/rank 3/main OR PvP

That'll give you an idea. Good luck but I think you'll be disapointed unless you work as a healer with a solid team.

For build go 5/5 Imp Wand and then 5/5 Imp Blackout OR 2/2 into 70% to prevent heal interrupt and 3/5 Imp Blackout. I'd recommend the later but if you won't heal...which it sounds like you wont....5/5 BO.



3, no propper toys yet hmm... yes i would agree here but neither do any of the other classes (i no i have a uber twink rogue exhalted and there is no stunlock available!!! all the replies i may get are thus covered by myself

Engineering provides toys......


all the replies i may get are thus covered by myself

That right?

Also if you're going to be an "uber 1337 LOLZ DPS machinez" do us a favor and max out on +stamina enchants. You'll be harder to take down and therefore more likely to provide a longer distraction. If you plan on healing don't put your hp past 1000 and max out mana IMO. +int to weapon.

Sorry if I seem slightly ill tempered but heed my advice and you'll save yourself some gold. You're horribly misinformed.|||thankyou for your reply m8!

i dont know were you got your idea that i wil not heal! as that will be the only thing i do, stand at the back of my guilds premade and shield our warriors and heal our rogues (the clothies can dps then die for me) and the enchants "(i have the reat sorted out in my head)" were pretty much all +stamina i just wondered if + healing to chest and bracers was better than +stamina.

my guild is starting to get bored with winning every single match we go in as there is no competition at all. were having to go in solo or as a 2/3 to get close to a competitive match. (we use teamspeak and they have all been trained well in the art of getting our flag back to our base asap, as this wins games) were not the only twinks within our x-relm but the other twinks just dont seem to be able to play as a team.

were currently in the process of trying to get competitive within wsg again and i am organising guild vs guild WSG's and we seem to have the problem that we only have 2 lvl 19 priests in a guild of 60 twinks (we cap our rogue and warrior intake to keep us reveered within our server, that said we accept fully twinked people) and thus we rely on dps and teamwork to kill enemy teams with healers themselves. we have 1/0 priests in premades due to them not being online so i thought i would just make a priest for the guild as an alternative character (we always have excess rogues ready to fill gaps in premades) and so a priest would just help/be a fun alternative to an already maxed out rogue (exhalted and all)

so cheers for the talent advice and the enchant advice. helped me!

my priest is now lvl 17 with all but the wand that i think requires lvl 18 to get the quest. enchants are + stamina to everything including feet, and 100hp librams to helm and legs with fising hat on the first go in STV lol + healing on chest though as the 100hp is neglegable compared to 1 heal with 55 healing.

with fear and my guild to protect me (a mage to frost nova helps) i have not yet died when with 5 or more in a group. yey hehe.|||If you're determined to go Alli roll a human. God knows Alli need help in WSG...|||ali dont need help not on my x-relm or my server before x-relm (hint:aliance on my x-relm pawn ass) and thats due to teamwork and developed skils as well as the best equipment. fine, on other x-relms horde win but join up in runetotem's x-relm and you will not lose often at all.|||Quote:

The exhalted tabbard looks AWSOME!!!!!!!

Anyone has a screenie of it? What colours? :)|||no screenie but il get my avatar on my guilds website as a pic of me wearing it so you can see it , wil post the site when the pic is up.

light purple and bluish (hard to discribe the colours)||||||Im sorry galactor, thats not a twink thats just a normal character, that happens to have a couple of blues and lowbie enchants.|||Yea ur right. But i Enjoy making non twinks. This is going to be the new thing when this so called new patch comes out. ( the one that rates you gear and enchants) Now why spend all the gold on boe blues and enchants when u can jus level a char to 19 and try to equip yourself with the most blues possible. Maybe add on a few low level enchants and hopefully you wont get grouped with full out twinked players.

i'd like to hear everyones feedback. i think this is a good alternative for the casual player that doesnt have hundreds of gold to spend on their twink.

and id like to know if the rumour about this patch is true?

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