Saturday, April 14, 2012

I Dont Get the Arena Rating System

[:1]Hey all,

I'm a fairly intelligent person ... but I cannot understand the arena rating system. I will give an example of what I mean.

This is my arena team ... we are 81 -59 on the season and have a rating of 1547.

Now observe these two teams:

This team is 74-51 on the season and has a rating of 1801

This team is 61-63 on the season and has a rating of 1657.

Now, I know one might say "they have higher MMR then you and thus are getting more points for their wins, or something like that. The problem is that we played these teams ... so they are around our MMR.

So what the heck is going on. How can we have more wins and a better win % and have a lesser rating. I know that it all depends on who you beat ... point totals from wins are dependent on the disparity of MMR between the teams. But if you look at their match history, its not as if they are playing and beating teams with MMR that are 2k+. So what is going on here?

Thanks for the thoughts. Cheers|||The arena system 'guesses' where you are supposed to be at. If you're sporting Relentless Gladiator weapons, it'll put you at a higher estimate than when you dinged level 80 a minute ago.

It then matches you against a team at that rating. You win? Great - maybe it was wrong and you should be higher up! So your MMR (match making rating) goes up and you get queued against higher rated teams. In the meanwhile, the game'll try to steer your team rating to match your MMR.

Oh dear, you lost the next game. Maybe that higher rating wasn't right after all. It drops you a bit and you fight another team. And lose again! So your MMR gets tuned down again - perhaps that first game was just a fluke. Who knows, maybe the rogue was sneezing when he was supposed to blind you.

If you play enough games, your MMR becomes somewhat fixed and it becomes harder to change it, unless you really win a string of games in a row.

So, not only does it depend on your performance (w-l ratio), it also depends on who you win or lose against. Losing against a team that's higher rated won't matter that much (it was to be expected, afterall). Losing against a team that's lower rated, repeatedly, will drop your MMR rather fast.|||everything Aerath said is true, but I would like to add another piece of information.

The ratio is only an indicator, but what if two teams have equal losses and wins? One team lost the first half and won the second half, the other team won the first half and lost the second half. I think the first team would have a higher rating than the second.|||The current arena rating system is currently based on several factors. The main factors contribiting to weather you win or lose are - your comp, your gear, and your team's skill.

You have a match making rating (mmr), a team rating (rating) and a personal rating (pr). In order to achieve a higher rating and pr ( in order to obtain gear and arena points), you need to increase your mmr which is determined by your wins against other teams.


Paynehunter - Kel'Thuzad

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