Thursday, April 12, 2012

Am I ready for rated BG's and Areans?

[:1]Been playing wow for 7 months, I have a lvl 85 S Priest with 2.9k resist and an Ilvl of 348 all PVP gear.

The though of Arena scares me a bit, I wuldnt want to let the side down or have it on record I cant pvp properly. Do you have negative points system, I know you need 2200 rating for the nice 365 gear, but can you use that gear in BG's dungeons etc? and what if you rating drops? can you still wear the armour?

I would hate to get my ass kicked and end up on -1000 before i already begin lol.

I play wow 85% pvp rest making pots and quests, I dont have much gold, i spend it all on gear herbs and gems enchants etc, so can you make money gold in PVP at all?

Thanks|||I'm not an expert in Arena or rated BGs, but I know this:

- Your ranking can't be negative, and as far as I know it doesn't go down. If you can't win anything you'll simple stuck at a certain level.

- You can't make money on PvP (unless you're really good and can carry people, i.e. get paid to bring their rating up). But you also don't need much.

- There are a lot of players like you, uncertain how to start Arena

The best thing to do it just go for it. If you've gathered your gear through random BGs you shouldn't be a complete noob in PvP. Find some people in your guild (or look for a guild) that have the same interest and just give it a try. 2vs2 and 3vs3 teams are very easy to organize, and you can always leave if you don't like it.|||arena ratings will go down if you lose matches, but it won't go negative.|||if you have decent gear from honor then I would say your best bet would be to shout in trade chat for someone looking to do arena 2v2 for points only. You almost always find people who are worst then you and who are looking to do arena for points.

I started doing this to get the top pvp gear, and have improved my arena play greatly. There is a lot to learn about arena, who to target first who to cc, who to burst down etc. Just play for points until you are geared and then decide if you want to be more competitive or not.|||Arena rating can seem fairly confusing. At lower ratings, a loss won't affect your rating at all. As you get a bit higher, a loss will lower it slightly. At high ratings, it will drop your rating a lot more. (Also, how the team you are fighting is rated will affect things as well.)

In my experience, you won't see your rating drop until you get around 700 to 800, and then it will drop slightly for losses. 1500 is considered the "average" point where you'll need to start winning more than you lose to have any real progress bringing your rating up.

You don't need a high rating to get the ilvl 365 PvP gear. The only thing you can't get without a rating is the heroic level weapon. (Which isn't even on the vendors yet.) The rest of the gear is available at every rating. What is probably confusing you is the fact that there is a full set of gear that requires a 2200 rating. However, that set has the exact same stats as the conquest gear that doesn't need a rating. It's just colored differently so people with high ratings can feel special.

You can use the PvP gear anywhere, but it's not really very well suited for PvE and dungeons. A lot of people will kick you from a random heroic on the spot if you are in full PvP gear.

Arena isn't too bad if you can find casual people to run it with. I "made" my friend level his DK on the new server I play on, and with just the crafted PvP gear we started arena the same week he hit 85 with an ilvl 318 weapon from questing. He doesn't do battlegrounds, so the only upgrades he gets are from the conquest points he gets doing arena.

We've been getting better each week we do it. The first week it took us 16 games to win 5, the next week we went 5 and 5. This last week we went 5 and 4, and out last winning game was against a warrior-rogue team that we had lost to previously.

You really just have to go out and do it. The only way to get better is to practice. Just make sure you find some partners who aren't too high strung about it, and who are willing to figure out what they could do better instead of blaming everyone else for losses. I think there are a lot of people out there who just want to get their 1300 points each week who will make good starting partners. 2900 resilience is more than enough to start arena (I started at around 2400 as a disc priest.)|||I have a theory that it's not a good idea to do too much arena too soon. I'm in a fun team atm, just really doing enough matches to get the 1343 (I think) points. This usually means being able to get a new item each week, which makes the team more competitive.

Last week, we got our required 5 wins in 5 games (yay us!). I think that if we tried to push our rating higher than it is (currently about 1200, resilience about 1000), we would just come up against teams who are better geared and have an unnecessarily hard time.

By being patient and building our gear and rating gradually, I think we will have more success. Does this sound reasonable, or totally silly?

However you do it, make sure you can communicate easily with the team mate(s), either by being in the same room, or using Skype, Vent or similar.|||Quote:

You can use the PvP gear anywhere, but it's not really very well suited for PvE and dungeons. A lot of people will kick you from a random heroic on the spot if you are in full PvP gear.

True in principle. But at least in the case of Hunters there's a lot of talk that the blue PvP gear is better in PvE than what you can get for Justice points (so from PvE vendors).

I'm doing HCs with my full PvP set at the moment, and I'm topping the damage meter most of the time (with 10-12k dps).

This may change soon though; I hear that the set bonuses for PvP gear will drop in the next patch.|||Quote:

True in principle. But at least in the case of Hunters there's a lot of talk that the blue PvP gear is better in PvE than what you can get for Justice points (so from PvE vendors).

I'm doing HCs with my full PvP set at the moment, and I'm topping the damage meter most of the time (with 10-12k dps).

This may change soon though; I hear that the set bonuses for PvP gear will drop in the next patch.

The blue PvP set was actually quite good for many classes pre-nerf. (I'm not sure where they stand now.) I'd say the priest set is still better than the 333 dungeon blues from normals. (In my case, less so since I've reforged a lot of stuff for hit for PvP, but if I reforged any of the non-spirit pieces to spirit, it would be just fine for heroics.) Crit, haste, and mastery just don't make a huge difference for a disc priest at that level, and that's all you really lose with the PvP gear.

Still, that doesn't change the fact that people see PvP gear in a heroic and run for the hills. I've put on downgrades for dungeon running simply to avoid the drama of wearing PvP gear.|||Thanks very for much for all your replys, very helpful indeed. Well...I took the plunge and joined a pvp guild and tried some 3v3's. First match we won, myself , a healer Shaman and a MM hunter v rogue, druid healer and warrior, it felt amazing winning and getting point for that wand! HAHA, unfortunately the next 7 games we lost lol, our healer only had 1500 resis and we played one team 4 times and they just opened up on him everytime.

One thing i have problem with is targeting, I tab target with it set to taraget nearest enemy player and i just run about until i acquire a target like a noob, sometimes i'll click on their name, but its annoying, i keep missing it, and I dont know who is what, i have no way of telling who is what class until i hover over their bar which takes far far to long. If im playing healer ill use the raid frames and just do it that way, but ill tab freindly players too "e" is set to tab them, i must admit i still cast from my action bar and have very few keybinds, i just cant seem to do it and revert back to interface, meh.

oh well, its all good, i feel i have good enough gear to gimme a chance, but i defiantly lack the skills.

thanks again =)|||Looks to me like you might benefit from an addon or two ...

For healing (any class), there are several point and click style addons that don't require you to select the char to be healed first. I have only used healbot, but know people who swear by others (vuhdu for example).

Decursive is good for (you guessed it) removing curses and is also a click and dispel for friendly units.

Another arena-specific addon is Gladius, which does several useful things. Firstly, it tells you the spec of the opponents. It also tells you when they trinket out and stuff like that, as well as which opponents are on low health.

Lastly, you can activate arena frames from the standard interface and select the enemy target from that - also useful for mirror-imaging mages.

Hope that helps :-)

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